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Saturday, October 15, 2011

CLOSED Giveaway: Winner's Choice of Helluva Halloween books, from Edie

Click here to be taken to the Helluva Halloween Main Page!

I think regular followers of events and happenings here on the Book Rat are probably getting familiar with the name Edie.  She runs the blog Silence in the Library, Please! but more to the point, she has a habit of offering up awesome goodies for all of the events my fevered brain concocts.
Kinda like this one:

These are some of the books being featured - there are more!  
Can't see a certain book?  Just hover your pointer over it!

Edie is offering up winner's choice of 2 books featured during Helluva Halloween, up to $25!
You don't have make your choices yet (there are still plenty of books to be featured in HH), but the collage above gives you a hint at what you'll be choosing from.

Leave a comment thanking Edie and letting us know why you wanna win this one, or what you think you might pick if you do.
US only
Ends Nov 5th
Winner will be contacted after the contest has ended and will make their final selections then.
Good luck!

*As with all of the giveaways during Helluva Halloween, you have to fill out the master form first.
If you haven’t entered your information in the giveaway master form, please make sure you do.  You only have to do this once, and are then free to enter any of the giveaways!


  1. Thank you, Edie, what a great contest! I love books and these ones look great! I think I might choose The Mephisto Covenant and The Near Witch.


  2. Thank you, Edie! I agree, amazing contest! There are some amazing titles listed here -- some I've heard great things about and am anxious to read. I'd probably pick Drink, Slay, Love or Anna Dressed in Blood.

  3. Thanks Edie! IMO all book bloggers are awesome, you all do great things sharing reviews with the world. I'd probably pick Anna Dressed in Blood or A Monster Calls.

  4. Thanks for the great giveaway! I think I'd choose Hourglass and Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children.

  5. Thank you Edie for such a fantastic giveaway! You are amazing and we love you :) I might pick 'The Demon Trapper's Daughter' and 'Anna Dressed in Blood'.

  6. Edie Thanks for the great giveaway. There are so many good books. So hard to pick just 2. I would have to pick Anna Dressed in Blood and Breadcrumbs. Please enter me in contest. Tore923@aol.com

  7. Thanks for the giveaway, Edie!!

    That collage is awesome. It looks cool, of course, but being able to hover over a cover to see the whole thing is SUPER neat!

    I'd pick Daughter of Smoke and Bone or maybe Chime...I love those covers.

    whatinabox at gmail dot com

  8. Wow Edie, thanks that's super generous what a great giveaway!

    I think I would pick Witch Song then it's a toss up between a few of the others.


  9. Thank you for this wonderful giveaway, Edie! I would choose Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children.


  10. Thank you, Edie, for the awesome giveaway!

    If I were lucky enough to win I would pick Anna Dressed in Blood, and probably Daughter of Smoke and Bone.



  11. Anna Dressed in Blood or Spider's Revenge would be my choices! tWarner419@aol.com

  12. Thanks Edie! Amazing choice but I would have to say Anna Dressed in Blood and Daughter of Smoke and Bone

  13. Thanks Edie!! Fantastic giveaway. I would for sure choose Anna Dressed in Blood...but I can't make up my mind about the other..so many fabulous choices.

    deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

  14. Thank you for the giveaway Edie. I think I might want Carrier of the Mark, but here are so many to choose from.

    Lizzi0915 at aol dot com

  15. Thanks so much for the giveaway Edie! I think I would choose The Near Witch and Anna Dressed in Blood.
    wolfluvr420 at yahoo dot com

  16. Thank you Edie!! You rock! This would be an awesome giveaway to win, because there are just sooo many amazing books in there. Wow!!



  17. Thank you so much, Edie! There are so many wonderful books there that it would be so hard to choose! I would probably go with Daughter of Smoke and Bone and The Carrier of the Mark...or Anna Dressed in Blood and The Near Witch...or some combination thereof. :)


  18. I really want to win because I absolutely LOVE Halloween and creepy books are fun. I might pick Anna Dressed in blood and The Near Witch!

  19. Thanks Edie! What a fun contest!

    I think I may choose Red Velvet and Absinthe... and for the other book, I'm not sure!

  20. Thank you Edie! And this is so hard. There are a few I would love to own because I have read them and the are beautiful like The Daughter of Smoke and Bone, and then some I am dying to read like Anna Dressed in Blood. I think as of now I would want Anna and Putting Makeup on Dead People.

    thegirlonfire27 at gmail dot com

  21. Thanks Edie! Wow it's kinda hard to choose, I would probably pick Anna Dressed in Blood and Breadcrumbs

  22. Oooh Edie! I remember you from Fairy Tale Fortnight! :D <3!!

    I think I would chose either Anya's Ghost (b/c Misty raves about it ALL the time) or A Monster Calls b/c I just seriously want to read it! :D

  23. Edie is super awesome cool! Thank you! If I won, I would choose Anya's Ghost because it looks AMAZING and The Daughter of Smoke and Bone because I've heard nothing but good things about it.

  24. Thanks Edie for the awesome giveaway! If i won i'd probably pick The Near Witch and Hourglass i've been wanting to read those books so badly!

  25. Thank you Edie for such a fantastic giveaway! I have no idea what I would choose. So many great titles.

  26. thank you-
    Super giveaway!!

    follow via gfc

    would love Anna dressed in blood and Hourglass

  27. THANK YOU Edie. This is great that you'd give some books away. I'd just love Hex Hall. It's been on my wishlist forever.

  28. thanks for the giveaway! I would pick The daughter of smoke and bone


  29. Thank you Edie!! Seriously, awesome giveaway. Personally I think I would choose Drink, Slay, Love or Hourglass if I were lucky enough to win. I've had my eye on both for a LONG time and I keep hearing great things about both. I never have the time or money to actually go out and expand my personal library so opportunities like this are great because it gives me the chance at winning a book that's more recent. Thanks for the opportunity!!


  30. Edie, you are AWESOME!! Thank you for the generous giveaway!

    If I could pick any two, "Daughter of Smoke and Bone" would definitely be number 1 and then...oh gosh...maybe "The Near Witch?" I want to read them all!

  31. That's awesome of Edie - now I must go stalk her blog as well. I think I would choose hmmm Demon Trapper's Daughter and maybe Peregrine - but I'm so fickle...
    tlabunski **((gmail))**
    Pabkins @ Mission to Read

  32. Thank you for the giveaway Edie.
    There are so many good books featured here, I have no idea how I'll be able to pick if I win. :)

    jlynettes @ hotmail . com

  33. Thanks Edie! I really would love th have Anna Dressed in Blood. My library spent it's quota on books already and won't be ordering new ones for a while and I don't have the money to purchase a new book and I really want that book!

  34. Thank you Edie!!!! and if I win i would pick Carrier of the water and smoke and bone... i would pick these 2 because they are on my wish list and i cant wait to read them!!!

  35. Thanks Edie for the giveaway.I would like to win because I love Halloween and think these books would be a great creepy read for the holiday. As for which 2 books if I win Slay,Love,Prey and Breadcrumbs.

  36. Wow excellent giveaway! I would really like to win Anya's Ghost because Misty loves it so much. I'm very curious about it. I'm also interested in Drink, Slay, Love mostly because of the cover and that sly smile :)

  37. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you Edie! If I were lucky enough to win I am leaning towards Drink Slay Love and Carrier of the Mark. But IDK yet!

    Thanks again!

  38. Great contest! Thanks Edie!! I think I might pick Liesl & Po and Hex Hall..

  39. Thanks so much, Edie!!! You rock! I think I would like to win Anna Dressed in Blood and Carrier of the Mark.

  40. Wow!!! Thanks Edie!! I'd love Carrie of the Mark and The Near Witch!

    So many books I'd love tho ;)

  41. Wow, Thank you Eddie! This is such an amazing contest. I'm very interested in Daughter of Smoke and Bone! :)

  42. Thanks, Eddie, for the awesomeness. =)

    I think, if I won, I would go for Liesl and Po. It sounds awesome.

  43. Thank you Edie!! I want to win because I am once again a poor college student who needs really good excuses to buy new books, that I really want to read.

  44. Wow, Edie, thank you so much! I'd probably pick Daughter of Smoke and Bone and Miss Peregrines!

  45. WOW, thanks for the giveaway! I think if I won I'd probably pick Daughter of Smoke and Bone and Drink Slay Love because I haven't read either but keep hearing great things about them!

  46. Thank you Edie! You rock! :D And hmmm, I think I would pick Anna Dressed in Blood and Chime!(:

  47. I would love to win this. I guess if I had to chose amongst those pictured, I would go with Chime and Hourglass.

  48. If I were to win I'd pick Fat Vampire and Drink Slay Love.

  49. thanks Edie and Misty for this giveaway, i think i'd chose anna dressed in blood or daughter of smoke and bone!!

  50. Thanks you!! :)

    If I win I think I might pick If I Die by Rachel Vincent or Eve by Anna Carvey.

  51. Thanks Edie, for the free giveaway!

    I would like to read Hex Hall.

    I filled out the form for Helluva Halloween.

    nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

  52. This is seriously great giveaway - thank you Edie!! :D I'd love to win because, well, I've had my eyes on Leisl and Po and Breadcrumbs for a while now... So excited! :)

  53. Thanks, Edie! What a great contest! I'm not sure what I would get, but maybe Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children and The Demon Trapper's Daughter...

    Thanks again!

    nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com

  54. Thank you so much Edie! ^_^
    all of them are so good hmm..chime & vampire's haiku :D

  55. Thank you, Thank you! This is so sweet!
    I think I'd pick Mephisto Covenant & Chime, though Drink Slay Love looks awesome too. ; )


  56. Thank you, Edie. I would pick Anna Dressed in Blood and The Demon Trapper's Daughter.

  57. Thank you very much Edie for the great giveaway! I would pick Anna Dressed in Blood and don't know about the other yet! Thanks for the chance!
    tishajean@ charter.net

  58. Thanks so much Edie! This is awesome! If I won I'd choose either Anna Dressed in Blood, Daughter of Smoke and Bone, A Monster Calls, Breadcrumbs, or The Near Witch... yep, lots to choose from. Thanks again!


  59. Thanks so much Edie! This is awesome! If I won I'd choose either Anna Dressed in Blood, Daughter of Smoke and Bone, A Monster Calls, Breadcrumbs, or The Near Witch... yep, lots to choose from. Thanks again!



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Let's be best friends.


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