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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

CLOSED Giveaway: Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake

I mentioned yesterday in my interview with author Kendare Blake that I was going to be giving away a copy of Anna Dressed in Blood, courtesy of Tor Teen.  Well, here's your chance, and believe me, you want to take it.  I am loving me some Anna, I'm not even going to lie...

Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake
Paranormal/Horror, 316 pages
August 30th 2011 from Tor Teen

Cas Lowood has inherited an unusual vocation: He kills the dead.
So did his father before him, until he was gruesomely murdered by a ghost he sought to kill. Now, armed with his father's mysterious and deadly athame, Cas travels the country with his kitchen-witch mother and their spirit-sniffing cat. Together they follow legends and local lore, trying to keep up with the murderous dead—keeping pesky things like the future and friends at bay.

When they arrive in a new town in search of a ghost the locals call Anna Dressed in Blood, Cas doesn't expect anything outside of the ordinary: track, hunt, kill. What he finds instead is a girl entangled in curses and rage, a ghost like he's never faced before. She still wears the dress she wore on the day of her brutal murder in 1958: once white, now stained red and dripping with blood. Since her death, Anna has killed any and every person who has dared to step into the deserted Victorian she used to call home.

But she, for whatever reason, spares Cas's life.

*** TO ENTER***
Leave a comment answering 1 of the following questions:
1. Why do you want to read Anna Dressed in Blood?
2. If you were an urban legend, what would your urban legend name be?
You do not need to leave an email address or contact info, you just need to make sure you've entered your info in the master giveaway form.

If you haven’t entered your information in the giveaway master form, please make sure you do.  You only have to do this once, and are then free to enter any of the giveaways!

Ends Nov 5th

Also, make sure to leave Kendare some love on the interview I did with her, and check back for my review of Anna Dressed in Blood!  Good luck!

Click here to be taken to the Helluva Halloween Main Page!


  1. OOoh! I so want this book! Thanks for the contest! I want to read this book because of (1) that awesome cover, (2) A ghost who kills people with a vengeance and (c) the total awsomeness of a ghost hunt in THUNDER BAY!!!

    Also, if I were an Urban Legend I would like to be the Lady in a Top Hat. I would terrorize people by spouting parts of "The Raven" ... heh heh


    Ammy Belle

  2. I want to win this book because I've heard so many good things about it and I love the unusual premise of a "ghost killer".

    danaan at gmx dot at

  3. i would love to read the story because it sounds unique and interesting. i also love the cover.

    witchvela at web dot de

  4. Yay! So I want to win this book because it seems very dark and original.

  5. I am dying to read this book! The cover treatment is awesome and the book sounds creepy (which I love!) and super fun!

  6. Oh gosh! I am DYING to read this book! The cover rocks and well...I've heard such amazing things about it.

    Thank you for the giveaway!!

  7. Blood, gore, a vengeful she-ghost, and a boy she can't be as vengeful towards - what's not to like? This is just the kind of book I want to read right now!


  8. If you were an urban legend, what would your urban legend name be?
    The History Inspector. :)

  9. I would love to win this book because it sounds like a great creepy read. Thanks for having this awesome contest and good luck to all.

  10. I want to read this book because the cover is stunning and I've heard amazing things!!! again, look at the cover!!! looks like such a creepy, fabulous halloween read!! Thanks for the giveaway Misty


  11. I have heard such great things about this book and would love to read it!
    great giveaway
    follow via gfc

  12. I want to read this book because months ago I had a similar dream :) I want to know how the writer develops the story :)

  13. I want to read this book because it sounds like something I'd absolutely love! I read one review where they said it's reminscent of 'Supernatural' and that would have been reason enough for me. Also, the cover is gorgeous! Thanks for hosting the giveaway! :)

  14. All of the reviews I've read about this one and the interviews make me very interested in reading/owning this one. Thanks!

    jason (at) jasonkivela (dot) com

  15. I want to read this book because that cover is so gorgeous and mysterious and I've read so many great reviews about it that now I'm curious.
    thanks a lot for the chance.

  16. Totally coveting your Anna Dressed in Blood. So much so, that I myself have dressed in blood for the occasion. What? It's fashion, it doesn't have to make sense!


    danny at velvetandnyx dot com

  17. I want to read Anna Dressed in Blood because my whole group of friends is reading it right now literally and i cant wait any longer =)

  18. Why do I want to read this? Probably because I keep running across fabulous reviews that make me wish I already had a copy in my hands! I love creepy books, and it's been awhile since I've read a really good one!

  19. I want to read it cause I love ghost stories and it sounds great! :) thanks!

  20. Thanks for the giveaway! I've heard great things about this book, and really wanna read it for myself :)

  21. Thanks for the giveaway and for opening it to International entries.

    I want o read the book because it has a different slant to it with a heroine who is initially a villain and then is changed by a hero.


    Carol T

    buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

  22. This book sounds seriously interesting and I've been thinking about reading it for awhile now. Thank you for the giveaway.

    Jennelle S

  23. I want to read this book because it sounds like a really great read. Please enter me in contest. Tore923@aol.com

  24. I've been hearing alot about this one and it would be a new author for me! tWarner419@aol.com

  25. Thank you so much for the chance to win this book. I want to read this book because I've been hearing a lot of good reviews about this book and I love anything to do with ghost.

  26. Fantastic giveaway! I want to read Anna Dressed in Blood because the blurb is a really interesting (dying to know why she spared his life), I've seen great reviews on this book, and I absolutely love this cover!

  27. The cover definitely caught my eye!! The premise has me hooked. I must read more about Anna.

    deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

  28. I want to read this book because it sounds really cool. It kind of reminds me of Supernatural, which I love, and I'm really intrigued by Anna's story. I want to know what happened to her.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  29. I want to read the book because I've read a lot of great reviews/ heard a lot of great things about it. And because I just do, and the cover is awesome!

  30. I have read great reviews on this book I'm dying to read it. It sounds really good it's on tbr list.

  31. Why I want to read it is,'cause it just sounds so awesome. At first when I read about I wasn't to sure, because I hate the cover. But it does sound good.

  32. Why I want to read it is,'cause it just sounds so awesome. At first when I read about I wasn't to sure, because I hate the cover. But it does sound good.

  33. I want this book because I love ghost stories. And this cover is awesome. If I were an urban legend I would be "Curly Lizzie ".

  34. Honestly? I want to read this book b/c the cover makes the book look promising. I've also heard good things about it and if you liked it...I have a feeling I would too.

  35. I want to read it because it seems like half of my Goodreads friends (including you) have raved about it. That's really a good enough reason for me.

    When my cousin threw a pirate-themed birthday party years ago, my pirate name was Liquored-Up Lex. I feel like this would be a good urban legend name, but the story around it would be very unflattering! I should probably think of another one.

  36. Because it sounds so freaking awesome and your review. Plus the cover is pretty cool.

  37. I want to read this because HELLO that interview was AMAZEBALLS, not to mention the fact that if you loved it, I'm sure I will. Besides, I need a good Halloween-y read :)

  38. My Urban Legend name would be WISE WOMAN.

    More wishful thinking than anything else.

  39. I want to read this book so bad! I have heard wonderful things about it, the premise sounds fantastic and the cover is beautiful.

    If I was an urban legend I would be the Lorelei, singing people to their doom. :)

    Thank you for the chance!

  40. I really need to get my hands on a copy of this - there are so many good reviews about it, and I'm yet to read it!

    Plus, I totally love the cover.

  41. Hey Misty,
    After hearing great things about Anna Dressed in Blood, your update on Goodreads about the book reminding you of Supernatural (which I unashamedly have quite a love for, and completely pushed my want for the book further knowing the lead character is called 'Cas') pushed me over the edge, taking me from wanting to read it, to NEEDING to read it! I've also been reading a LOT of paranormal/urban fantasy novels lately during October, so this book seems to be the perfect addition to my collection.

  42. Promising title and I love that cover design.

  43. My urban legend name would be Vampire Vixen? lol I am not good at the naming part. But I really want a chance to read this book because I've been seeing it all over the blogs with glowing reviews and I'd like to finally catch up to everyone else. Thanks!
    LadyVampire2u AT gmail DOT com

  44. I would like to read Anna Dressed in Blood because it sounds really creepy but in a good way and all the reviews of this book sound good.I'd love to know more about Cas and Anna:)

    justjanhvi at gmail dot com

  45. I'd love to read this book because of all the awesome reviews I've been reading...It sounds amazing...and that cover would look gorgeous on my coffee table...especially for October!!!

    melissaseclecticbookshelf at gmail dot com

    ♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf

  46. Oh gosh I really want to read Anna Dressed in Blood because it sounds so creepy and I don't have enough books on my "read" list that can be described with that word.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    almostgrownupblog at gmail dot com

  47. I am completely obsessed with ghost stories. They are my favorite type of horror books to read. I knew I had to read Anna the moment I saw the cover. Then I read the summary for it and started drooling! I want it so bad!

    That's why I wanna read it.

  48. I soooo want to read this book because it looks and sounds creepy. I love creepy scary books, and this one looks like it might fit that!

  49. I'm dying to read this because the cover looks awesome, I love ghost stories, I've heard lots of great things about it, and I really want to know more about Cas.

  50. Thanks a lot for the giveaway, and for making in international! I've been dying to read this (pun completely unintended)!

    Also, if I wre and Urban Legend my name would be "The Wizard of Nightfall".
    I'd follow people around at night ocasionally poking them with my wizard's wand or hitting them with the Cruciatus curse! Well, and maybe sometimes Avada Kedavra, if they're too annoying...

    Geeks & Books

  51. Please enter me! I filled out the master form and my email is hammerwammer@gmail.com. My urban legend name would be "Gollum's cousin"

  52. I love the cover and the blurb!!
    If I were an urban legend my name would probably be Demantica. I love this name since I got it via a vampires' fan club ^_^
    Thank you for the giveaway! :)

  53. 1. Because the cover is just plain damned awesome! =D

  54. 1. I want to read this book because i love the cover. The story seems really unique and interesting. Heard nothing but good things about it. I really want to read a cool creepy book about ghost.

  55. Ever since I read the first chapter online, I've wanted to read it. So yeah. Let's hope I win! :D

  56. Wow I want to read this soooooo bad! the cover looks perfect and it's my type of book!! enter me please!!!
    Becky M.

  57. I want to read this because
    a)The cover is super/creepy/scary/awesome
    b)The overall concept and stpry just sounds awesome!

  58. This book sounds really good. I've been getting into scarier books recently but have been disappointed by the ones I've read so far. However, this looks really promising.

    If I was an urban legend I would probably be the Kasa-obake (basically a parasol ghost) because it is so utterly ridiculous that it is hilarious. It even looks funny.


  59. I want to read Anna Dressed in Blood because it looks just brilliant! I have heard all sorts of wonderful things about it :)

  60. I want to a haunting/ ghostly urban legend especially in a major city and near a cemetery and just freak people out by appearing and disappearing

    "The Girl in the Green Dress"

    katie_tp AT yahoo DOT com

  61. I would want to read this book because I have heard great things about it and I absolutely love ghost stories.

    Also, if I were an urban legend, I would be called Macabre Tango. On November 15th every year, all the skeletons in what ever graveyard I'm visiting at that moment would come to life and dance around in preparation for my upcoming birthday.<- I can't take full credit for this idea. My sister helped me out. :)

  62. I want to read Anna Dressed in Blood because its not out in the UK yet and I have wanted to read it for AGES, I've nothing but great things about it.

  63. Um...YEAH I want to read Anna Dressed in Blood? Who wouldn't? No, really, I've been wanting this book for months!

  64. I want to read ANNA b/c I haven't read it yet! Plus, I don't read much stories about ghosts, but this book sounds awesome! And it's cool that the main character is male!

  65. If you were an urban legend, what would your urban legend name be?
    Mine would be "The Man Who Read Too Much." It suits me... :)

  66. I want to read this book because of all the reviews I've seen on it... it seems really interesting a different! :D

  67. I want to read this book because . . well, first off, it's been on my wish-list for a long time. And then there's a load of positive reviews it! Plus, the cover is pretty! :D

    Thanks for the chance(:

  68. I want to REread this book because it's was absolutely wonderful and terrible the first time around. I feel like I missed a few points here and there and I'd love to revisit it, with my own copy, so I could take my time and not worry about returning it to the library on time.

    Thank you for the chance!


  69. I have heard nothing but amazing things about this book. I would love to get a chance to read it! Thanks for the opportunity!


  70. I want to read this because it sounds like it could be my favorite ghost book. A ghost called Anna Dressed in Blood? Epic.

    thegirlonfire27 at gmail dot com

  71. I am not a big fan of creepy kind of book but Anna Dressed in Blood sounds intriguing and looks fantastic. Heard that it is really good so I am dying to read it

  72. i would love to read anna dressed in blood because not only have i heard really good reviews on the book but also because it sounds very different from many of the books i have read and im dying to expand my interest in books! :)

  73. Question 1:
    To be honest, I hadn't thought I wanted to read Anna Dressed in Blood until I started seeing amazing things written about it by different people. It's one of those books I thought was too hyped, but then I saw it crop up on blogs written by bloggers that I trust, and that don't always rave about the hyped books.

    Also, it's October and I am feeling like I need more creepy reads in my life. (even if this ends in November). I'm feeling the October Creep Factor right now.

  74. I want to read this book because it's got a lot of stuff i like about books... at least it sounds like it does. and if i was an urban legend i would be the one about the car that comes flying up behind the other car in the middle of the night without their headlights on... I like to sneak up behind people and surprise them hehehe

  75. I haven't had the money to spend on books lately :( and I have been trying to win this book for awhile now.

  76. 1. I love the name of this book, it grabs my attention and makes me want to stop read what is between the cover.

    2. The idea behind this book is greatness.

  77. I have to agree with everyone else, the cover for this book is awesome. But the reason I want to read this is the fact that it's creepy and horrific sounding. And ghost stories are awesome! :]

  78. I want to read Anna Dressed in Bloog because it sounds and looks so creepy...and awesome! It seems like he perfect spooky read. :)

    Thanks for the chance to win it! :D

  79. The premise for this book sounds interesting and original. Definitely something I'm looking for at the moment. And with Halloween coming up it would make the perfect read!

  80. I would like to read it because I´ve read reviews and I like it... I also heard great thing from my friend :)
    Thank you so much for the chance to win♥

  81. I really want to read Anna Dressed in Blood because I have heard that it is amazing and because I really want to read it for myself- I love a good ghost story!

  82. I would love to win Anna Dressed in Blood because I hear it is one scary read. =)

  83. I have heard really good things about this one. It sounds super creepy. If I had an Urban Legend name, it would probably be "The Bitchy Librarian"

  84. I'd love to read this book. It sounds like such an interesting premise and very original :)

  85. I would like to win this book to see what it's like to "kill dead people"-----sounds very interesting!

  86. So many reasons I want to read this book, awesome cover, ghosts, awesome cover, scary/creepy, awesome cover, did I say awesome cover yet.

  87. I wanna read ADIB because it sounds awesome. Also I was looking through a copy at the bookstore and I love the red font in the book.

  88. I'm greatly intrigue how anna hunts her target or like how it all began thank you so much for sharin ^_^

  89. I've been dying to read Anna Dressed in Blood for a while now. I haven't read a lot of YA horror, but I really want to :]

  90. I want to read Anna Dressed in Blood because I like a scary ghost story at this time of the year and this one even has a mystery to it.

  91. I want to read it because I heard good things about it.

  92. This comment has been removed by the author.

  93. This sounds like a great book heard alot about it now I have to see what everyone is talking about! I want to read it because have not read a creepy book in awhile Thank you for the great giveaway!

  94. I want to read this book because

    1. I LOVE the name, I think it's such an evocative sentence and beautiful in a disturbing way.
    2. Speaking of beautiful in a disturbing way, I think the cover is very eye-catching. I really love the tone of it and the red mixed in with all black and white.
    3. The book itself sounds incredibly interesting! Sure, we have a lot of vampires, werewolves, ghosts, zombies, etc. but I don't think anything is like this.
    4. I've heard such good things about it!
    5. That's it!

    Thanks so much for this giveaway. :D

  95. I've heard a lot of good, spooky things about this book. Also, it has an awesome cover:)

  96. I want to read this book because I love scary YA books and this looks like the ultimate!

  97. I want to read this book because I love scary YA books and this looks like the ultimate!


Tell me all your thoughts.
Let's be best friends.


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