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Thursday, April 7, 2011

JnJ Quick Poll

Hey, lovelies!
I feel like I've been neglecting Jane in June in the preparations for Fairy Tale Fortnight, but I just want you to know, behind the scenes I am scurrying away trying to get things in order, figure out my books and posts, contact authors and what have you.
I've also been drumming up some new ideas, and I have one I want to present to you now.

This year, I'd like to do a Read-Along.  For those of you unfamiliar with the idea, basically, we would pick 1 book, and those interested in the RA would sign up to participate, and then read along as a group.  The book would be split into sections, and there would be set days (like every Monday, or something) where we would all post our thoughts for that week's section of the book.  You can so a blog about it, a vlog, a silly conversational post, whatever you want.  And then you'd come over, link up your contribution to the RA for that week, and check out what other people had to say.

I think this could be pretty cool, like a giant Jane book club, just for that one month.  And then you have the whole month to read (or reread) the book, so there's less pressure.  You don't have to be scholarly, or do a review -- you just chat and get conversations going.

So, I need to know, are you guys interested in doing a Read Along?
If you are:
  • Which book should we read for the Read Along?  There's a poll in the sidebar: GO VOTE! --->
    I'll leave it open through the end of the month, and then if there's enough interest, that will be our book!
  • How structured should the RA be?  Do you want me to post discussion questions for each section, or would you guys rather just talk about whatever you want to talk about?  Or would you rather I post them, but have the option of whether to answer them?
  • Any suggestions?

Can't wait to hear what you guys think!


  1. I won Pride and Prejudice last year from Velvet and I am ashamed to admit I STILL haven't read it, so I voted for that one.

    Questions would be cool...along with the option to ramble on...as I sometimes do =)

    So anyway, yeah, point being... I think a read-along is a great idea!

  2. I would definitely participate. You could do a post every week or so, just to get the conversation going.

    I like the idea!

  3. +JMJ+

    I joined a Northanger Abbey readalong last year that was hosted on another blog, and it was so much fun that I'd love to do another.

    My vote was for Sense and Sensibility, one of the first Austen novels I read. But that was way back in high school, and I don't really remember the book very well. No better time than this June to rediscover it! =)

    I like the way discussion questions can point out certain aspects to us that we wouldn't have seen for ourselves, so definitely have them--but I also like the option of answering them in your combox but writing what I'd like to write on my own blog.

  4. count me in.
    how about RA participants throw questions for you to post. you can pick out top 5. and questions don't have to be the formal kind. can me something off-the-wall like "what book do you think mr darcy would have on his nightstand?"

  5. I'm game. I've been meaning to reread some Austen this year!

  6. I voted for Persuasion because I started to read it over a year ago and had to put it aside for something else. It has been in my mind taunting me ever since. *L* I would be fine with whatever method you decide on for discussion.

    Just to let you know, I host monthly read-a-longs on Twitter called TuesBookTalk. We meet every Tuesday night at 10:30pm ET/9:30pm CT and discuss the assigned section of the book for an hour. We are reading Pride and Prejudice and our first discussion starts this Tuesday, April 12th. I have a Goodreads group for the read-a-long also, if you would like to check it out, go HERE Would love to have you join us...the more the merrier!

  7. Velvet, I LOVE that question!

  8. I voted for Persuasion, but I'd happily read along with any of them!

  9. I'll read whatever wins, but I cast a vote for my favorite, Persuasion. Would love to read it and discuss with other JA lovers!

    I've done read-a-longs where the book is broken into sections, with a discussion taking place once a week on questions posed by the host. I've also done them when a discussion post is open on the last day of the month and we just talk about whatever we want. Both worked for me. :)

  10. I voted for Emma, but I don't mind any other book.

    I like this idea. I can't wait until June ;)


Tell me all your thoughts.
Let's be best friends.


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