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Thursday, June 26, 2014

Books for our Younger Selves [Redux]

Awhile back, I hosted a Book Chat on books we wish we could give to our younger selves. Right now, Better World Books is asking that same question, so I thought we'd revisit it. Many of you will not be the least bit surprised by the book I chose...  ;)

So now that you know mine, it's your turn! Tell me in the comments which book you'd give your younger you* or strike up a conversation about it with me on twitter. Or if you're feeling adventurous and chatty, make your own vlog and share it! 

*say that 5 times, fast. ;P


  1. Hmmm...good question. What would I want my younger self to read? For me, it would have to be the Harry Potter series. I've recently read the whole series a couple of years ago. I wish I read it when I was younger like everyone else did. I would have liked to have "grown up" with this series.

    1. HP seems a popular choice for people to pick. And it was perfectly timed that if you were the same age as Harry, you really would grow up with him.

  2. I was such a nerdy kid, and my mom gave me sci-fi and fantasy growing up, because she is awesome. I was never under the impression there was anything I shouldn't read. So I'm pretty lucky that way. But I really wish someone had given me Neil Gaiman when I was younger, maybe like ten or eleven. And I mean his books aimed more towards children; Stardust and Coraline for example. I think I would have really liked them when I was a kid.

    1. I've known a lot of judgmental people in my life, unfortunately, but still the idea that someone would discourage reading galls me.
      Coraline would have been PERFECT for me as a kid. I mean, I loved it as an adult, but I was a big fan of scary stories when I was younger, and those black button eyes would have chilled me in that good, horror way. lol!

  3. You little thief, you… ^^ Honestly, picking I book that I've read in my older years to give to my younger self IS a hard choice to make because my tastes and understanding and interests has really evolved over the years. (I DO wish I'd allowed myself to explore more of the odd and weird, to see and enjoy- like I do now- how awesome the "different" is.) However, I wanted to make note that, like you, the Song of the Lioness series was one that had great impact on my preteen years. I remember being captured by this strong heroine. Alanna one of the first characters that actually became real to me, whose strength and courage and determination actually seeped into my real-life to encourage and drive me through times that were difficult. She became a heroine who is very precious to me, one whose impression is still remembered.

    1. It IS a hard choice, and you really never know. And sometimes if something is recommended to you, you react to it in a completely different way than if you'd come to it on your own - especially when you're young and you KNOW EVERYTHING. Haha. But there are still those things that you come across that seem so perfectly to be YOU at a certain age, that you just feel a little wistful...
      And yes, Alanna is precious. I tend to forget specifics about books pretty quickly, but there are so many instances from that series, and even tiny details, that are still vivid in my memory - and when I reread it, I get the most lovely nostalgia, coupled with all of those favorites that come roaring back! Love it.


Tell me all your thoughts.
Let's be best friends.


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