Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Love Affairs of Nathaniel P. by Adelle Waldman | review

And here we have it, my many, many Janeites. The last post of this year's Austen in August. With this one, we're moving out of the realm of true Janedom and into the now, with what many are calling the "new Jane" - an insightful look at the modern social scene. Don't forget you can enter to win this one, but before you dart off, click through to read my thoughts on

The Love Affairs of Nathaniel P. by Adelle Waldman

Mansfield Park Read Along Discussion Questions, part 3

Click here to find out more about Austen in August!
Fab button art c/o The Antique Fashionista!

Hello, Janeites, and welcome to the final installment of the MP Read Along! This is the last set of discussion questions for Mansfield Park; though it may be over for the year, you're still welcome to join here, and answer the questions at your leisure. (Don't have a copy? See the sign up page for lots of ways to get it for free!) Feel free to answer them as you see fit - via blog, vlog, funny gifs, concise tweets - whatever works for you! Also, feel free to skip questions here and there or altogether - the read along is for enjoyment and community, and you're by no means obligated to answer questions you don't want to. Feel free to discuss - or not - whatever you'd like.
If you missed the questions from Volumes One and Two, you can find them and all pertinent links on the sign up page.
Now, on to Volume Three!

Jane In Your Interwebs, part 3

Sadly, this is our last Jane In Your Interwebs post for this year. =(frownyface)= I'm going to try to be a better blogger and all-around Janeite by giving you moments of Jane throughout the year, but to tide us over for a little while at least, here are some other awesome Janey things I've come across recently.
Enjoy, and remember - any time you come across some awesome bit of Jane in your interwebs, tweet me a link! I'll be stock-piling for next year, after all...

AMONG THE JANEITES by Deborah Yaffe | Review

I wanted to start this year's AIA with Among the Janeites, Deborah Yaffe's recently-released non-fiction look at, um, us, and I wanted to make sure to end with it, too. It just seemed like the perfect bookend, really, as in the beginning you were finding yourself among the Janeites, and now, for the last 2 weeks, you have been among the Janeites.
Yeah, I'm clever like that...
Anyway, here's what I thought of
Among the Janeites by Deborah Yaffe

Vlog: Beyond Jane Austen (for Beginners)

A lot of people were asking for a recommendation video similar to the genre-pushing video I did for fairy tales, so: ask and you shall receive!
Please remember: there are tons (and tons) of Austenesque stories out there - some are awful, some are excellent; some are smutty and some clean; some you need to have read Austen to understand, and some are fine for everybody - but there really is something for everybody!
Here are some of the ones I have read or know enough about to discuss. And as these are all from my collection, rather than relist each, I'll just recommend you check out this post/vlog if you want to know more or need a title/links!

Now it's up to you, my Janeites! What should fledgling Janeites and full-on obsessives pick up? Leave your recommendations in the comments! =D

Giveaway: The Regency Ladies Survival Kit

I debated whether I wanted to do another Regency Ladies Survival Kit giveaway this year, because frankly, they're a lot of work. But I love you guys, and I came across a number of duplicate copies on my Jane shelf when I was recording that video, so...seemed meant to be. Plus, even if they are a lot of work, they're also really fun, so... REGENCY LADIES SURVIVAL KIT, it is!

Friday, August 30, 2013

Cover Reveal: Love at First Slight by J. Marie Croft

You may recall a cover reveal for J. Marie Croft's Mr Darcy Takes the Plunge, earlier in Austen in August. That one was leading up to this one, which is coming out in October from Rhemalda - it's Love at First Slight! Click through to check out the cheeky cover and synopsis, and don't forget you can enter to win a copy of Mr Darcy Takes the Plunge right here!

AUSTENTATIOUS by Alyssa Goodnight | Audiobook Review

Alright, you guys have already got to eavesdrop as I sat down and chatted with not only Alyssa Goodnight, but also the book's stars, Nic and Sean. And you're probably already aware that you can win it, right now. If not, you should totally go do that, but not until AFTER you've heard what I have to say about
Austentatious by Alyssa Goodnight

Giveaway: Delilah Dirk and the Turkish Lieutenant by Tony Cliff

Earlier today, Delilah Dirk and the Turkish Lieutenant author, Tony Cliff, dropped by to tell us about coming to his senses (and sensibilities)... aka, about realizing the A in Austen stands for awesome.
In that guest post, I mentioned that there would also be a giveaway of Delilah Dirk, and would I like to you?
What? I wouldn't.
Well, not as a general rule, anyway...
Fine. In this case, at least, it looks like I was telling the truth. Click through to enter to win:

Delilah Dirk and the Turkish Lieutenant by Tony Cliff

Don't Get Your Petticoats in a Twist | a conversation

My Janeites, I have some sad news: this is the last of our Janeite Conversations for this year! Is it wrong that I hope that makes you as sad as it does me? I just want you to have enjoyed them - I hope they amused you and gave you something to think about. I certainly liked putting them together for you, and I'd like to thank all of the fantastic authors who participated and went along with my crazy scheme. It's not every author who's willing to let you chop up, rearrange and generally screw with your thoughts and words, so thank you, ladies!
Now, on to the last question. This is a favorite of mine because answers tend to be varied and passionate, and it always makes for good discussion.

I asked:

Friday Face Off: Lex's Sense & Sensibility Take Over

It's Friday Face Off time, and I'm going to do something I've never done before: I'm letting someone else take the reins! Lex, who you may remember reviewed Jane Austen, Game Theorist earlier in AIA, mentioned wanting to do a S&S vs S&S post (aka an Emma Thompson version vs Andrew Davies version smackdown), which is something I've been wanting to do for awhile but hadn't found the time - but I thought would make an excellent Face Off! Lex agreed, and has gathered up what she feels are the major talking points, and now it's up to you guys to decide: Which one did it better?
Read through, drool a bit over the gifs and the melodramz, and then let us know in the comments which version you think nailed it!

Coming to my Senses (and Sensibilities) | guest post from Tony Cliff

You guys probably know by now that I'm able to stretch just about anything to make it a good fit for Austen in August, if it's something I want to cover. I mean, last year I reviewed on of the Matter of Magic books because it was set in Regency England (and had a pretty cover...); that was all the excuse I needed. Who needs Kevin Bacon when you've got Six Degrees of Jane Austen?  Delilah Dirk and the Turkish Leiutenant is one of those books that isn't a direct retelling, and it probably isn't even all that Austen-y in scope, but dammit, I think it looks really good and I wanna include it! Fortunately for me, turns out Delilah Dirk's author, Tony Cliff, is a bonafide Janeite. Once again, I win the internets.
Check out Tony's post below, about how he discovered Jane Austen (and then discovered she's kinda awesome), and then make sure to stop back by later today for a chance to win a copy of Delilah Dirk and the Turkish Leiutenant!

Jane Austen’s Northanger Abbey is one of my favourite novels, much to my own surprise. Not just my favourite Jane Austen novel, but one of my favourite novels all-told. This feels as though I am making a private confession, which is an impressive step in terms of personal growth. Previously, this would have felt like an embarrassing admission. Not too long ago, reading the full text of that book would not have even been conceivable to me.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

YOURS AFFECTIONATELY, JANE AUSTEN by Sally Smith O'Rourke | review

I just want to remind you that you guys can enter to win both this book and its forerunner, The Man Who Loved Jane Austen, in this giveaway. But before you run off to that, click through to read my thoughts on:

Yours Affectionately, Jane Austen by Sally Smith O'Rourke
Get It | Add It
261 pages
Published September 22nd 2012 by Victorian Essence Press
Was Mr. Darcy real? Is time travel really possible? For pragmatic Manhattan artist Eliza Knight the answer to both questions is absolutely, Yes! And Fitzwilliam Darcy of Pemberley Farms, Virginia is the reason why!

His tale of love and romance in Regency England leaves Eliza in no doubt that Fitz Darcy is the embodiment of Jane Austen’s legendary hero. And she’s falling in love with him. But can the man who loved the inimitable Jane Austen ever love average, ordinary Eliza Knight?

Eliza’s doubts grow, perhaps out of proportion, when things start to happen in the quiet hamlet of Chawton, England; events that could change everything. Will the beloved author become the wedge that divides Fitz and Eliza or the tie that binds them?

For Future Jane: the wishlist...

There are a lot of amazing Austenesque books covered in AIA every year, but even so, they barely scratch the surface. There are always new adaptations coming out, or older ones to discover, and the wishlist inevitably gets longer and longer... (Not that my Jane shelf can really hold more, mind you. But like the TARDIS, it must be bigger on the inside, 'cause I will make them fit.)
Here's a look at some of the Janeite books on my wishlist, and ones I hope to cover in a future Jane-binge...

Favorite Austen Moments | guest post & giveaway from Laurie Viera Rigler

She's been cracking us up with her answers in this year's Janeite Conversations, and now, Laurie Viera Rigler, author of Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict and Rude Awakenings of a Jane Austen Addict, has dropped in to share some of her favorite moments from all of Janedom. And hey! She's also giving away her books! =D

Favorite Austen Moments—and a Giveaway
Guest post by Laurie Viera Rigler

One of the things I love about Austen is her scope: within those famous two inches of ivory on which she worked “with so fine a brush,” are drama, comedy, romance, suspense, and an unflinching observation of human nature—the good, the bad, and the embarrassing.

We all have our favorite moments, the ones that keep us coming back to her novels again and again—and to their many reimaginings on film.

Here are some of my favorites. What are yours?

The Regency Interpreter takes on Mansfield Park, part 4

Well, my dears, it's time for our last visit from the Regency Interpreter. It's perfect timing, too, since we had our Mansfield movie viewing / #AIATwitChat last night; if you feel you completely missed the boat on something, allow Maria to explain it for you! (And if you were unable to participate in the movie viewing last night, the entire movie is embedded in clips throughout all of Maria's Regency Interpreter posts, so watch, catch up, and then feel free to join the conversation at any time!)

Welcome back to the last installment of our group watch of Mansfield Park, in which we will finally get to the happily ever after.

Aunt Norris offers her opinions of Fanny quite freely. It is interesting to note that Aunt Norris is the widow of the vicar who filled the living that Sir Thomas bestowed (and will to to Edmund). Vicars did not have a retirement program nor provisions for the widows. Aunt Norris is as dependent on Sir Thomas as Fanny is. It is possible that she attempts to prove her usefulness to Sir Thomas as a way of insuring her place at Mansfield Park.

Persuaded | guest post from Ashley Maxson

The author of today's guest post, Ashley Maxson, is an engineer in the Navy, currently working on her first adaptation. When she asked to be part of AIA, I immediately thought (of course), Ooh, a naval perspective on Persuasion - and this particular Lieutenant was happy to oblige! Click through to read her very personal take on Persuasion.

Giveaway & Excerpt: the Tale of Less Pride & Prejudice series by Alexa Adams

Earlier in Austen in August, Alexa Adams stopped by to offer up her thoughts on "Amelia Webster," a piece of Austen's juvenalia; she also offered up a giveaway of that same story, which she'd hand-bound into adorable little folios.Today, she stops by to offer us a look at her next book, Holidays at Pemberley, which is the 3rd in her Tale of Less Pride and Prejudice series. To go along with this excerpt, she's giving you guys a chance to win books 1 & 2, First Impressions and Second Glances, which I reviewed last week! Click through to read the full excerpt and enter to win!

from  Holidays at Pemberley, or Third Encounters:

She looked only to see fault, and plenty did her acute eye find. Mr. Wickham was too self-assured for one of his origins: his manner too easy, his grace unnatural, and his conversation too forward. His wife fared little better, being found both pert and inveigling, a combination for which Lady Catherine could not account.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Jane-Envy: a peek into people's Austen collections

I kicked of Austen in August this year with a look at my much-packed Jane Austen shelf and sundry Janeite things. I love delving into people's shelves, so I asked you guys to message and tweet and instrgram me pictures of your Jane Austen Collection so that we could all wallow in our collective Jane-envy. Here's a look at the collections you shared. Enjoy!

Giveaway: Austentatious by Alyssa Goodnight

Early today, you guys got to eavesdrop as I sat down and chatted with not only Alyssa Goodnight, author of Austentatious, but also the book's stars, Nic and Sean. If the quirky adorablenss that was that interview didn't convince you that you want to read this book (and if my review doesn't finish the job of convincing you tomorrow...), then maybe the fact that you can win it, right now, will. =D

Austentatious by Alyssa Goodnight

A Very Austentatious Interview with Alyssa Goodnight...and then some

Earlier this year, I reviewed Alyssa Goodnight's Austensibly Ordinary and frankly kinda loved it. To celebrate the book's release - and the 200th anniversary of P&P - Alyssa managed to wrangle the book's lovebirds, Cate and Ethan, into sitting down for an interview. Since we all had so much fun that time 'round, Alyssa and I thought it'd be great to meet up again for a chat with the stars of Austentatious, Nicola and Sean.
This was the result. Enjoy, and make sure you stop back by to enter to win a copy of Austentatious!

I walk out of the Austin sunshine and into Sugar Mama's Bakeshop to find a rather striking man (who may or may not be wearing a kilt...) standing next to a woman whose face is practically plastered to the glass case holding the cupcakes just out of her reach. I know them instantly for Sean MacInnes and Nicola James, and know that Alyssa must be near. Sure enough, she's at a little table in the corner, sipping a Dr Pepper and eyeing them with amusement. 

Pride & Prejudice in Spies & Prejudice | guest post from Talia Vance

You guys have already heard my thoughts on Talia Vance's quirky modern take on P&P, Spies and Prejudice, when I vlogged about it earlier in Austen in August.
You've also had a chance to win 1 of 2 copies for yourself (and I even read an excerpt of it for you!).
But now, Talia has dropped by to tell you a bit about what influenced the story, and how she went about adapting the iconic cast of Pride & Prejudice into her own characters for S&P!

Cover Reveal: Steampunk Darcy by Monica Fairview

I know I generally keep my Austen frolics to summertime, but history has shown that I can be persuaded to step out of that sunny box - and a steampunk take on Pride & Prejudice is one of those things that can convince me. This October, Monica Fairview's latest, Steampunk Darcy, will be released, and you can plan on hearing more about it from me then. [And dare I say, a giveaway? ;P]
Until then, of course, you'll have to content yourself with Monica's part in our Janeite conversations, and with her piece on Fanny Price v. Jane Eyre. But before you jet over to those posts, click through to see the spankin' new cover for Steampunk Darcy, and tell me what you think of this upcoming book, and whether it's on your must-have list!

Giveaway: complete set of A Fair Prospect by Cassandra Grafton

For today's first giveaway (because yes, once again, there are two. That's how much we love you), Cassandra Grafton is offering up a little something special - a full set of her novel, A Fair Prospect! Much like the Austen's original works, A Fair Prospect is told in volumes - Disappointed Hopes, Darcy's Dilemma and Desperate Measures, and today, you can win them all.
Click through to enter to when this set in winner's choice of format. And make sure to check out this year's "conversations," where you can find Cassandra's thoughts on everything from which Austen rake she'd like to reform to which Austen character she most resembles!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Vlog: Personalized Edition of Pride & Prejudice | Review of Ustar Novels Service

So, this is a thing that exists and I have...
A copy of Pride & Prejudice starring ME! Dude - my Janeite takeover has almost been completed. I will be assimilated...

Playing Emma: Introducing Austen's Characters to Each Other | a conversation

I hope you guys are enjoying these conversations as much as I enjoy putting them together, 'cause I gotta tell ya: this is one of my favorite things about Austen in August. I love seeing yous guys get a little more informal, a little playful and creative with your answers, and I love how nicely they dovetail together - it's like we really are sitting around, chatting, cocktails in hand!
Anyway, on to one of my favorite conversations, as there are so many things mentioned that I can totally see (and totally want to see) becoming new adaptations. And who doesn't like to play Emma on occasion? ;)
I asked:

MISTY: This is always one of my favorite questions, because nearly always it's something Janeites have thought about, and there are always some really good pairings - and I'm just as big a fan of the catastophic ones as the beneficial ones...

Becoming a Janeite | guest post from Ayr Bray

I know some of you out there are a bit...insatiable in your appetites for Darcy (and Wentworth. And Knightley. And Tilney. And...), so what would Austen in August be without some mention of sexytimes? Today, Austen sexytimes-writer Ayr Bray has stopped by to tell us a bit about how she became a Janeite, and what place it has had in her life... and what led her to write her own erotic P&P retellings. Enjoy!

Giveaway: The Love Affairs of Nathaniel P. by Adelle Waldman

Contemporary dating lit-fic, The Love Affairs of Nathaniel P., may seem a bit out of place in all of this Janery - or at least, that's what I thought when I was contacted about granting it a spot in the lineup - it's certainly not a retelling of an Austen novel, or even directly inspired by one. But debut novelist Adelle Waldman has actually been garnering comparisons to Jane Austen with her look at modern relationships and social mores. And in fact, Adelle is a bit of a Janeite herself, counting Austen among her influences and  writing numerous Austen-inspired articles for Slate.
And that was all it took to convince me.
I'll be sharing my thoughts in the next couple of days, but until then, click through to enter to win a copy of

The Love Affairs of Nathaniel P. by Adelle Waldman

Mansfield Park WATCH-Along Reminder | #AIATwitChat

Hey guys! Just a friendly reminder that the 2nd #AIATwitChat will be happening tomorrow @ 8pm. I'll be watching and live-tweeting the 2007 version of Mansfield Park, and you're all invited to watch along with me, or just discuss Mansfield, generally. And hopefully I won't be put in Twitter jail this time for the crime of overenthusiastically tweeting...
Now, some deets:

  • We'll be watching this version, which can be found on Netflix Instant. 
  • If you don't have Netflix but you want to watch, you can sign up for a free trial - and then proceed to use the rest of your trial to binge-watch things. (And may I put in an honorable mention for Revenge, Fringe, and all of Doctor Who... And if you need more recommendations beyond that, trust me: I've got them.)
  •  If you don't have Netflix and don't want to sign up for a trial, this is the same version that Maria Grace, our Regency Interpreter, has been discussing, so youtube clips from the movie are embedded in those posts... you can totally follow along on youtube!
  • I'll begin live tweeting the movie at 8pm EST, and discussing during and after, which I know is late for some people, and early for others. That's what happens when global Janeites unite. Those of you who can't make it to the party are welcome encouraged to still join in the chat when you can. I will be checking back often and will respond and retweet to everyone. 
  • To participate, you just tag your tweets with #AIATwitChat. Then, I and any other participants will be able to find, retweet and respond.
  • This all goes down tomorrow night at 8 pm, Eastern.
The last one was a lot of fun, and as this one is a movie-viewing party, I have every confidence it'll be even more fun - even if I end up talking to myself. Hope to see you there!

Click the pic to be taken to the Austen in August Main Page!
Thanks to faestock & inadesign for the images used to create this button.

Catherine Morland: The Original Geek Girl | guest post from Courtney

The following guest post comes from Courtney of Adventures In My Petticoat; she's dropping in to chat about one of my favorite Austen works (and the one I think most underrated) Northanger Abbey, and the things that make Catherine Morland adorkably cool.  

Who wouldn't want to be Elizabeth Bennet? What Austen fan hasn't spent a few hours of her life staring in the mirror and repeating Lizzie's most delightful zingers? (If it's just me, let me live in blissful ignorance.) Elizabeth Bennet has it together, for sure. She's so cool, so composed, so sure of herself.

I love Pride and Prejudice, but it isn't my favorite Austen.

All those hours I've spent checking out Austen-themed merchandise online, waiting for my new Jane Austen calendar to arrive in the mail, and playing Pride and Prejudice: The Board Game tell me that I'm much more like Catherine Morland, the protagonist of Northanger Abbey.

Giveaway: Mr Darcy's Undoing by Abigail Reynolds

Remember yesterday, in my review of Abigail Reynolds' Impulse & Initiative (aka "To Conquer Mr. Darcy), how I mentioned that you might want to keep an eye out for another giveaway from her?

Mr Darcy's Undoing by Abigail Reynolds

Monday, August 26, 2013

Mansfield Park Read Along Discussion Questions, part 2

Click here to find out more about Austen in August!
Fab button art c/o The Antique Fashionista!

Hello, Janeites, and welcome back to the MP Read Along! This is the 2nd set of discussion questions for Mansfield Park, which you can join here, and answer the questions at your leisure. (Don't have a copy? See the sign up page for lots of ways to get it for free!) Feel free to answer them as you see fit - via blog, vlog, funny gifs, concise tweets - whatever works for you! Also, feel free to skip questions here and there or altogether - the read along is for enjoyment and community, and you're by no means obligated to answer questions you don't want to. Feel free to discuss - or not - whatever you'd like.
If you missed the questions from Volume One, you can find them - and share your responses - here.
Now, on to Volume Two!

IMPULSE & INITIATIVE by Abigail Reynolds | review

By now we know I'm a fan of the "what ifs" and Abigail Reynolds' Pemberely Variations series, but it wasn't always so... Click through to see how things have changed for me as a Janeite, and what happens when Darcy and Lizzie can't keep their hands off each other...
And don't forget to go enter to win Mr Darcy's Noble Connections and Mr Darcy's Undoing (coming soon!)

Impulse & Initiative by Abigail Reynolds

Giveaway: Attempting Elizabeth by Jessica Grey

To celebrate the audiobook release of Attempting Elizabeth, Jessica Grey (who stopped by recently to talk about gender-flipping P&P in the book) would like to offer you guys a little treat!
Click through to enter to win

Attempting Elizabeth by Jessica Grey

The Regency Interpreter takes on Mansfield Park, part 3

Maria Grace, aka The Regency Interpreter, is back for part 3 of her series on Mansfield Park. If you haven't been following along, you can catch parts 1 & 2 here, and watch along with clips of the movie as Maria breaks down what's really going on. Don't forget, we'll also be live-tweeting and discussing this version of MP this Wednesday on Twitter. And while you're not-forgetting things, make sure you remember to enter to win Maria's Given Good Principles series!
But now, on to the show!

 The Regency Interpreter on Mansfield Park Part 3

Welcome back to the Regency Interpreter on Mansfield Park. Poor Fanny’s life is about to get much more complicated. Join me to get some deeper insights into why.

Giveaway: My Own Mr Darcy by Karey White

Karey White, author of the adorably-covered My Own Mr. Darcy, had intended to participate in AIA this year, but between her vacation and my general Gmail suckage, we couldn't make it happen. But don't worry - I've made a note to have her involved next year, and until then, you can visit her at her website and on Facebook. And I was able to get her to  come to the party for a little while... Long enough to offer up copies of her book to a few of you Janeites!
Click through to enter to win

My Own Mr. Darcy by Karey White

Jane In Your Interwebs, part 2

All of the awesome Janetasticness that comes my way couldn't be contained in just one post, so it's definitely time for part 2! Click through for some interactive Janeness, P&P characters on Facebook, the best damn P&P/Parks & Rec mash-up ever, and more!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Defending Jane Austen's B*tches

This is something I've been thinking about for awhile now, and Wednesday's #AIATwitterChat solidified what I wanted to say. I'd love to hear your thoughts, not just about the women I mention, but ANY Austen characters (male or female, villainous or not) that you think deserve a second look.
Leave your thoughts in the comments, and feel free to make your own response blogs or vlogs and drop me a link!

Click the pic to be taken to the Austen in August Main Page! Thanks to faestock & inadesign for the images used to create this button.

Giveaway: Fitzwilliam Darcy such as I was by Carol Cromlin

By now, you may recognize the name Carol Cromlin, as she's been a part of this year's Janeite "conversations," from which we've learned that her husband thinks she's rather like Lady Catherine before she's had her coffee in the morning (the nerve!), and that she has a genius plan for a Rake Reform School, if only she can wheedle the start-up costs out of a wealthy patron (pointy knuckle-rapping sticks don't grow on... erm, you know what I mean...).
But she doesn't just want you to know her - she wants you to know her Darcy. So she's offering up a giveaway of her book & swag to a couple of lucky Janeites - click through to enter to win:

Fitzwilliam Darcy such as I was by Carol Cromlin

Jane Austen, Game Theorist | guest review from Lex Keating

Today's guest post comes from Lex Keating, who wanted to stop by and talk about the recently released Jane Austen, Game Theorist. This book has made a few waves, including an article in Slate from Adelle Waldman, whose debut will be covered later in AIA!Click through to see what Lex had to say about this interesting look at Austen, and keep an eye out for more from Lex, as she's going to be taking over our next Friday Face Off! 
Jane Austen, Game Theorist by Michael Suk-Young Chwe

Mansfield Park: Love It or Loathe It? - a Janeite conversation

Time for round 3! 
I hope you guys are enjoying our little Janeite conversations (and I hope you've noticed that commenting on them gets you bonus points in a number of the giveaways... ;P). But either way, it's time for another one. This time, we're taking on the book that people either love to defend or love to hate.

I asked:

Giveaway: Jane Austen Academy book of choice + $25 gift card from Cecilia Gray!

We kicked Austen in August off this year with a hilariously awesome guets vlog from author Cecilia Gray, who gave us the lowdown on the 2005 P&P adaptation in her Austen - by the book post. [Which you should totally go check out. We'll wait.]But that was over so soon, and now she's just been sitting on the sidelines - and she wants back in the game! So she decided to jump back into AIA, and you guys are going to benefit from it! Click through to enter to win your choice of books from her Jane Austen Academy series + a $25 gift card to buy some Austen goodies!