Sunday, April 5, 2015

Tea Chat: Fairy Tale Elements I Want to See "Fixed"

Time for another #TeaChatwithBookRat! ;)

This time, we're talking about some of my pet peeves and fervent wishes of things I'd like to see in fairy tales and retellings, and though I could probably go on about this for quite some time, I limited myself to my top few big ones -- but I look forward to continuing the conversation with you in the comments!

And the tale I mentioned is "The Price" by Patricia Briggs, found in this anthology.

Want more fairy tales? Return to the main schedules
by clicking here for The Book Rat or here for A Backwards Story


  1. Oh yes! The Prince not being able to recognize Cinderella had me scratching my head for a long time. I liked Malificient for trying to explain Disney's Sleeping Beauty villain's action. I'm also intrigued by Marissa Meyer's Fairest for the same reason. Speaking of Sleeping Beauty, I was never impressed with the decision to send your kid away for all those years which I suppose was the ultimate sacrifice to keep her safe, but other solutions struck me too. Fun discussion!

  2. I agree completely with what you said- especially Mr Charming not recognizing Cinderella. That's one that has always bugged me…
    I think the handling of some of the fairytales has annoyed me at times. There are some stories that can be really thoughtful and different but are boiled down to something that's just sparkly and surface. I love Disney as much as the next person (maybe more…) but I also get excited when I see/read a grittier exploration of the tales. I guess this is just me getting bored with the same (expected, guessable) fairytale. I look forward to retellings that show something different or reveal something strange.


Tell me all your thoughts.
Let's be best friends.