Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Persuasion Read Along Response Linky (Austen in August)

Click here to be taken to the Persuasion Read Along questions!
Fab button artwork c/o Antique Fashionista!

Hi, Read Along participants! I ♥ you! I hope you all have read (and loved), or are currently reading (and loving), Persuasion! Below you'll find the linky to share your responses to my discussion questions for the book, or just your thoughts in general - remember, this is a for-pleasure read, so feel free to talk about the aspects of the book you want to talk about - and if you didn't like something, say so! I promise we won't descend on you like a pack of rabid Janeites. Probably...

Also, if you haven't signed up but want to, you still can! Or you can just chime in with your thoughts on the book at any time! =)

The questions are split into 3 parts, but you're welcome to answer them all in 1 post if you'd like;if you are answering each part in a separate blog post, make sure that's clear when you link them. [ie. Misty's responses, pt 1, etc.]
You can post your responses at any point throughout Austen in August! Have fun; I can't wait to see what you all thought of the book!

Click here to be taken to the Austen in August Main Page!

Fab button artwork c/o Antique Fashionista!


  1. I love Persuasion. I'm so glad you're having a read along. I still have to look at your questions yet.

  2. Typing up the last part of my response took me more time than I expected. Here's my link, anyway:

    Persuasion Read Along - Part 3


Tell me all your thoughts.
Let's be best friends.