Friday, August 24, 2012

CLOSED Excerpt & Giveaway: Pride and Popularity by Jenni James

Five minutes into the book, I still couldn’t concentrate. I knew it had nothing to do with Miss Austen’s writing ability and everything to do with a certain “urgent” phone call I needed to make. I pulled Taylor’s phone number from my pocket and stared at it.
“Ugh. Please go away, Taylor Anderson,” I said out loud. “I don’t know why you find it so hilarious to pick on me, but do me a huge favor and leave me alone. Seriously, you can have any girl you want. Why drive me nuts? It makes no sense.”
Great, Chloe. Just awesome. You’re having a conversation with a crumbled piece of paper, which won’t answer back no matter how long you stare at it. The only way to truly get answers is to call. So call already!
“Hi, is this Taylor?”
“This is Chloe Hart. My mom said you called?”
“Uh, sh–she did?”
“Yeah, she said you called just a few minutes ago and wanted me to call you back at this number.”
“Are you sure?”
“Are you saying you didn’t call me?”
“Um, no. Why would I call you?”
Ouch. I felt like I’d been kicked in the stomach. “Taylor, if this is some sort of joke—”
“Just because I give you a hard time every now and then doesn’t mean I’m the type of guy who would joke like this.”
“You mean someone else called and left your . . . you’ve gotta be kidding me. I’ve been totally hoaxed! Who in their right mind would do this? Look, I’ve gotta go.” I heard him snicker. “Wait, are you laughing?” That little . . .
“No.” More snickers.
“Taylor . . .” I growled.
“Okay, yeah, I am. You have to admit this is pretty funny.”
Funny? “You would think so, since I am positive it’s your fault.”
“My fault? How can this be my fault?” More chuckles.
“You’re a smart guy, figure it out.”
“Wait, you’re serious, aren’t you? You truly believe somebody who wanted to play some sort of prank on you, would do so because of me?”
“Yes.” Duh. “Look, Taylor, this has been fun and all, but I need to go.”
“Wait. Before you go, will you at least explain yourself?”
I was beginning to lose my cool. “You know what? I can’t deal with this. You think everything is a game. Don’t worry. I won’t call you again.”
“You can’t hang up like that. Tell me what’s going on in that fiery little head of yours.”
“See what I mean? This is a joke to you, isn’t it?”
“Chloe Elizabeth Hart, if you hang up this phone without telling me what in the world you’re talking about—”
Elizabeth? “How did you know my middle name? No one knows my middle name.” This is such an invasion of privacy. There has to be a law against this!
“I have my sources, and if you don’t fess up I’ll be sure to call you that from now on.”
Blackmail? What, are we in junior high now? How in the world did this day go from bad to worse? This has got to end, and if the only way to make sure it happens is to sit on this phone a couple minutes longer, then—
“Fine! Don’t you see that every time you talk to me it causes people to think things they don’t need to be thinking? And I’m not talking about me, either—I’m talking about the whole student body, now gossiping about—about this, this . . . situation! When you draw attention to me, then everyone assumes I am free game to torment, which apparently has already begun, hence this phone call. You just came back today. Holy cow, Taylor, if this keeps up I can’t imagine what people will think to do to me next. Thanks to you and your mocking, I am fast becoming the biggest freak in this school!”
“Let me get this straight,” Taylor said. “You’re angry with me for flirting with you?”
“Bingo. He has a brain cell.”
“A brain cell? What is that supposed to mean?” Disbelief and resentment colored his voice. “You’ve got a lot of nerve, princess.”
“Don’t you dare call me prin—!”
“There are a whole lot of girls that would love to have the attention you got today.”
“Of all the egotistical things to—”
“But I chose to focus on you,” Taylor interrupted again. “Mainly because I thought you were more fun and lighthearted than you apparently are. In case you are not aware, I have a girlfriend.”
“So if this is some sort of twisted excuse to make me see you differently and fall in love with you, then the game is up.”
This is like talking to a rock. I can’t believe I’m allowing myself to be insulted by a stupid, stubborn rock! Calm down, Chloe. Keep your voice calm. Deep breath. There. “Taylor Anderson, I am only going to say this one time, so listen carefully. You can have Anne. She’s yours. As a matter of fact, you can have any girl in the whole flippin’ town, for all I care. Except me. So seriously, don’t even flatter yourself.”
“Chloe, wait!”
I didn’t even bother to say goodbye before I hung up the phone.

~ from PRIDE AND POPULARITY by Jenni James


Pride and Popularity by Jenni James 
Amazon | Goodreads
Contemporary/Retelling, 240 pages
Published July 13th 2011 by Inkberry Press/Brigham Distributing
Chloe Elizabeth Hart despises the conceited antics of the popular crowd, or more importantly, one very annoying self-possessed guy, Taylor Anderson, who seems determined to make her the president of his fan club! As if! Every girl in the whole city of Farmington, New Mexico, is in love with him, but he seems to be only interested in Chloe.

This modern high school adaptation of “Pride and Prejudice” is a battle of wits as Chloe desperately tries to remain the only girl who can avoid the inevitable—falling for Taylor.

Thanks to the folks at Inkberry Press, I have two copies of Pride and Popularity to give away!
  • Two winners will receive a copy of Pride and Popularity by Jenni James
  • US only
  • Ends September 5th
  • Fill out the Rafflecopter to enter
Make sure to keep an eye out for giveaways of Jenni's other "Jane Austen Diaries" books, Persuaded and Northanger Alibi! And check out Jenni's answers in the various "colorful" discussion interviews: Bad Boys | Mean Girls | Character Cross-Overs | Doomed 'Ships and more to come!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Click here to be taken to the Austen in August Main Page! Fab button artwork c/o Antique Fashionista!


  1. hmm, the excerpt was ok. I think this is something my sister would really enjoy though. Thanks for sharing and hosting the giveaway!

  2. The excerpt was pretty adorable. I'm curious what's up between the two. And I am partial to ships where the MCs hate one another at first, though I can't imagine why...

  3. This sounds like it will be a good book. I will have to get a copy for my friends daughter, I know she will enjoy it. Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. Cute excerpt! I like the underlying tension between the two of them and am really curious about what's going to happen!


  5. I loved the excerpt! I want to read this book so bad!

  6. I love the excerpt. I would love to read this book. Sounds very good.

  7. I enjoyed the excerpt, and I'm looking forward to reading this one.

  8. This was so cute! I would love to read this book thanks for the giveaway!!!

  9. I've checked out this book on Amazon several times, but have yet to buy it. This post makes me want to read it even more.

  10. I loved your excerpt. I read this book and I enjoyed it tremendously. I'd love a copy for my granddaughter since I think it is the perfect thing to break her into Austen.

  11. It just seems so cute and funny! :D I love a good clean read...thanks for sharing! And for the giveaway!

  12. I think I've seen this book around. Thanks for the giveaway.

  13. The excerpt brought back so many fond memories for me! Ironically, I had a similar experience while reading the first few pages of Pride and Prejudice. My boyfriend of the time kept texting me and begging me to call him while I was trying to read. This excerpt was a trip down memory lane and I can't wait to read the rest of the novel!

  14. heh, Oh, high school drama...although, I'm hearing it in the voices of Uni students who hang out outside my office...this sounds like a fun read :o)

  15. It sounds like a fun, exciting read :)

  16. It was cute...something my daughter would really like!

    Thanks so much!

  17. This one seems like a lot of fun. I do wonder who was playing the prank on Chloe.

  18. What I thought was that I have to read this book!! lol
    Seriously, the contemporary high school version sounds like a very entertaining read :)

    Thank you, Misty, for all the Austen fun <3

    Mary DeBorde M.A.D.


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