Monday, June 11, 2012

Submit your questions to Dear Janeite!

As I was putting together my Austen in August invitation post, I was mulling over some of the things I wanted to do this year. One of the things I had fun with in the past was a set of "Dear Jane" letters where participants wrote letters addressed to Jane, telling her all of the things they wanted her to know, or wished they could share.
I loved seeing everyone's letters, and thought about bringing back the Dear Jane letters this year, but then I thought, wouldn't it be nice to take it to the next level and put a fun twist on things?

So this year, I'm going to be doing an advice segment called "Dear Janeite". Basically, it's like Dear Abby - you'll submit your questions via a form (anonymously or with some clever tag like Lovelorn in Laredo, or whatever), and I - by the powers of Jane - will answer them.
Or, um, my alter-ego, Janeite, will. She will dispense advice for the situation, using examples and quotes from Jane to guide you. Or something. Hopefully.

Anyway, I thought it could be a super-fun segment, and I think potentially a good discussion starter, as you can all chime in with your own advice when I post them.
But to make this work, I need you. My goal is to have lots of Dear Janeite letters sent in so that I have enough to pick from to make this work. I won't likely be able to answer everybody's, and I'm sure some of them will be very similar, so I can answer them together. But regardless, I can't do this without your letters.

So, I've created a submission form, and I'm going to post it below, and then after a time, in my sidebar as well, so that you have easy access to post questions.
What I'd need from you is:
  • A brief, one to two paragraph letter, with a specific problem or question for Janeite to solve
  • One problem per Janeite letter - you're free to "send in" multiple letters, but please send them separately
  • Tell your friends! If you have a Janeite friend or just someone with a quirky sense of humor, ask them to submit a question! The more, the merrier.
  • Have fun with it! Don't be afraid to be a bit cheeky... ;)
  • All you have to do is fill out the form!
Can't wait to see what problems you throw my, er... Janeite's way!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this idea! I just posted my letter :-D I look forward to the reincarnation of Jane Austen supplying an answer to my burning question :-P x


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