Sunday, April 29, 2012

CLOSED A Reading & A Giveaway ~ from Alethea Kontis, author of Enchanted

In the tradition of finding new ways to bring you Awesome for Fairy Tale Fortnight, I have here a podcast Alethea Kontis did of a Brothers Grimm story called "The Foundling".  She based one of my favorite Enchanted characters (Trix!) on the foundling of the story, so I hope her reading of the story will give you a new found perspective on the characters if you've read it, or will make you want to read it even more if you haven't!

Now, because I have no idea how to upload a podcast and have that little clicky-bar thingy, AND because I would much rather you have something big and substantial (and pretty; so, so pretty) to look at, I...sorta turned the podcast into a video...

So sit back and let yourself go back to the days when you loved nothing more than to have someone read you a story, and when you're done, make sure to enter the giveaway at the bottom (after the jump)!
(Oh, and don't forget to check out my review of Enchanted, here!)



Because Alethea is MADE OF WIN she has donated an awesome gift basket full of Enchanted goodness and Fairy Tale win.

She has donated a finished, signed copy of Enchanted to one lucky winner along with other fun swag and surprise gifts.

TO ENTER: Use the Rafflecopter form below. There are extra entries available for commenting on Enchanted related posts on Ashley's blog- Basically Amazing Books, Misty's blog- The Book Rat and Bonnie's blog- A Backward's Story. The Rafflecopter widget is the same on all three blogs. You can enter through any of our blogs, but you must visit and comment on each individual post for the extra entries.

Giveaway is US only. Ends May 7th.


Ashley's Blog          Misty's Blog          Bonnie's Blog

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Click the button to be taken to the
Fairy Tale Fortnight Main Page & Schedule
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  1. I think Alethea should read ALL THE FAIRY TALES. Her inflection is perfect.

    My favorite underrated fairy tale is 'Snow White & Rose Red'. I'd love to see more done with this one.

  2. I enjoyed the reading, it was fun to hear!!!!

    My favorite underrated fairy tale would have to be The Goose Girl I loved the retelling by Shannon Hale and I would love to read more about this fairy tale!!!

  3. I enjoyed hearing the Brothers Grimm story. My daughter listened with me and she just said, "That was weird." I like fairy tales, and look forward to reading Enchanted.

  4. 12 dancing princesses. I love that one!

    Okay maybe you can help. When I was little there was a show on tv network tv and it was a fairytale type show. I can't remember what it was called. but there was one with radishes and a princess anyone know that show?


    So say we all!

  5. Moirae, was it Shelley Duvall's Faerie Tale Theater? I remember that the Rapunzel one was all about radishes, and it fits your description, so that's probably what it is.

    I really love East of the Sun, West of the Moon. I've always loved Beauty and the Beast and winter, so when I discovered a frozen version of Beauty and the Beast, I fell in love instantly!

  6. Maybe Faerie Tale Theatre, Moirae?

  7. Oops, just saw Debz posted with the same answer! lol

  8. That might be it! Thank you ladies, I just googled FTT and found it on hulu the picture are what I remember. I must have seen it in syndication, I'm 25 and the show said it was early 80's.

    Thanks ladies!!

  9. Great reading Alethea. I think we might see you in a movie some day. Thanks!

  10. I kinda like the cheese man one lol Thanks so much for doing this, I love hearing readings

  11. Rumpelstiltskin is my favorite lesser known fairy tale. Reminds me of my childhood.

  12. I love fairy tales!

    Favorite underrated fairy tales...Scheherazade, definitely. And the Nutcracker and the Mouse King (not the ballet version). And Tam Lin, I'd love to see someone adapt that one into a novel.

    Can't wait to read Enchanted!

  13. I have never heard of The Foundling. For all my reading of Fairy Tales, I seem to have missed quite a few. That was a great reading!

    I was searching online once and found a book of Old French Fairy Tales and there is a story called "Blondine". It sounds a little like the Treacherous Beauty story might be built on that, but I'm fascinated by this story when I read it.


  14. I've already mentioned that my favorite lesser-known fairytale is King Thrushbeard, mostly for the possibilities.

    I'm sad I didn't find the event until the end! As a lover of fairytales I find this beyond awesome.

  15. Found you on Pinterest. Nice blog.


    Silver's Reviews

  16. when listening to the audio clip ... I was completely into it! It sounds so good and I simply cannot wait to get my hands on it!!

  17. Lol..."If they have not died, they are still alive." may be the best closing line to a story ever! I really enjoyed this reading. This is one of those tales that sounds familiar, but if you had asked me, I couldn't have told it to you. It was wonderful! I especially love the crotchety voices. :P

  18. I love The Little Mermaid, and how dark it is!

  19. My favorite underrated fairy tale is The Little Match Girl. I loved watching the movie/musical when I was little.

  20. thank you for a fantastic giveaway!!!!

  21. Interesting. I like it.
    Thumbalina. I love that story.

  22. Frankly I've never heard readings before, but... wow. XD This was interesting, for the lack of a better word. And "if they have not died, they are still alive." has to be one of the best lines ever - it somehow gives me hope (which is the intention of the entire darn thing, I presume!)

    And I think I've said this before, but my favorite underrated fairy tale is East of the Sun, West of the Moon. HANDS DOWN. XD And the Goose Girl. I love that too (but I can't help but cringe for the treacherous handmaiden at the end, because a death like that... OUCH).


  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I love that cover! It's so dreamy and I LOVE the dress.

    My favorite underrated fairy tale is Sleeping Beauty. I only know one other person who likes it.

  25. I love it when authors read things to you. I can't wait to read this book! My favorite underrated fairy tale would definitely be Alice in Wonderland.

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