Monday, April 30, 2012

Cover Contest VOTING!!

Well. I hope you guys had fun with the cover contest, whether you created some or just browsed.  Below are all of the covers created (mine included) for your viewing pleasure, followed by a POLL.  As promised, I said  if there were enough entries I'd have a vote and the winner would get...something.  I have no idea what. Still.
But something they will get, so here's how this works:

  1. I've placed all of the covers here for you to click and peruse.  Click to embiggen and see detail.  (If you want to see who created them, go to this post)
  2. After you peruse, vote in the poll!  ETA: The multiple voting option is for cases of liking and wanting to choose more than one book. You CAN vote multiple times, but do the world a favor and don't stuff the ballot box.  Nobody likes an idiot. 
  3. The poll is randomized (no favorites) and will be open until May 15th, at which time the winner...wins. Go figure.  And I will send them something, and it will be a surprise.
  4. If you created a cover, feel free to round up people to vote for you! (Or if you just have a favorite you want to see win, feel free to spread the word)
  5. Lastly, you'll see that the covers I created are included in the voting. If I win, I will treat myself to ice cream, and all of the entrants will get some silly swaggish thing from me. =)
Alright. Knock yourselves out.

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  1. Great job, everyone! :D It says the poll is closed, though.

  2. Love it!
    Want to vote but the poll is closed :(
    I'm torn between Little Red and Arabian Nights.

  3. I'd vote for Rapunzel if the poll were open! But they're all lovely.

  4. I don't know what I screwed up, but it should be fixed now! Knock yourselves out!

  5. +JMJ+

    I voted for Rapunzel because of the unexpected short hair and scissors!

  6. Little Red is one of my all time fave Grimm stories, had to vote for yours and I'll be looking for it on shelves soon ;) hee hee!
    Thanks for the poll, fun!

  7. WOW! So beautiful, all of them! :D

  8. Rule #2 is pretty harsh don't you think? Well, anyways.. I'm just commenting so all of my friends know that this is the right contest.

    VOTE FOR ANA! (:

  9. Actually, I don't think rule 2 is harsh enough. Idiot is not the word I wanted to use...
    The only reason I left the voting open was because there are so many beautiful covers, I figured people would want to vote for more than one.
    Stuffing the ballot box is in most circles, I think, considered a jerk move, so I figured people wouldn't do that.
    I may have to reconsider my multiple votes stance in future...

  10. My regards on the 2nd rule I agree on the fairness but the side comment (Nobody likes an idiot) and making it bold I find that a bit harsh and uncalled for. But having multiple voting on books that is just a bad idea to begin with, but everyone has different amount of friends so you can't judge the book by its cover.

  11. There are some really great covers here. Thanks for having the contest, Misty. I had lots of fun making mine :)


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