Sunday, May 8, 2011

In My Mailbox: 5/8/11

Welcome to my IMM for the first full week of May. I hope it is gloriously Spring-y wherever you are - here, the weather still sucks, and I've had about enough of it.  It's supposed to be beautiful and balmy by now, dammit.
Make sure to leave a link to your IMM in the comments, so I can see what goodies you got!  And if you've read any of my goodies, let me know what you thought of them. :)

And as always, In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi @ The Story Siren.

The Map of Time by FĂ©lix J. Parma
The Time Machine by HG Wells
The Summer I Turned Pretty by Jenny Han
Dragon Slippers by Jessica Day George
Drums of Autumn by Diana Gabaldon
Well Wished by Franny Billingsley


  1. Great vlog! You have super cute hair. Jealous! :)

    How cute that she stamps her books with a dragon stamp! I really like that.

    Well wished sounds interesting! Thanks for sharing.

    That was so sweet to surprise you with an autographed copy of The Summer I Turned Pretty! I keep hearing about it, so I might just have to check it out.

    Jennifer of Little Shelf

  2. I really loved the Summer I Turned Pretty, after about the second page! My revies up if you want to check that out. But the characters are just really down to earth with real problems.
    I hope you enjoy The Summer I Turned Pretty just as much as I did, along with the rest of your books:D
    Check out my IMM?

  3. Awesome books. Heard lots of great things about The Summer I Turned Pretty. ;) Enjoy!

  4. Yes your hair *is* super cute.

    I love your cold hearted remark. Ha! No wonder I'm drawn to your blog.

  5. Haha, I have super Medusa hair!
    And yes, I am unashamed of my coldheartedness...
    So welcome, Pam. Enjoy. ;)

  6. The Map of time sounds SO good! I also have The Summer I Turned Pretty and Dragon Slippers in my TBR pile. Nice haul!

  7. Oh man, Outlander! Outlander! You. Must. Read! I have a coworker who just finished the third one and she is loving it: all the history, the time travel, the sex...oh la la! Makes me want to reread them, but I promised myself I wouldn't until the series ends considering they are such beasts!
    Cold hearts unite :)

  8. I really enjoyed the Summer series so I look forward to reading your review. I read Outlander but really struggled to get through it and haven't had any desire to pick up the other books in the series.

    My IMM

  9. re: Outlander - But its SO LONG. My friend Jen described the MC (Jamie?) as "sex on legs" which is why I bought the first one. But they are beasts. That's a commitment. But I do want to find a way to work them in.

  10. ... It honestly took me at least a week reading each Outlander book. They are so so massive but really good. Good luck. It'll take a while for you to get through them... and the series isn't even over yet! :P

  11. Great books this week. Well Wished does sound really good. Happy Reading!

  12. I have read the first 3 books in the Outlander series, I have books 1-6, but my TRB pile is HUGE LOL.

    I LOVE Jaime and Claire! I bought a copy Claire's ring after reading book one LOL

    My IMM is up.

  13. The Map of Time sounds interesting. Looking forward to the P&P readalong!

  14. drooling over map of time!

    gabaldon, my most fave romance/time travel author!

    and gonna have to pick up dragon slippers.

  15. The Map of Time, The Map of Time! So excited for The Map of Time! *deep breath*


Tell me all your thoughts.
Let's be best friends.