Sunday, May 22, 2011

In My Mailbox: 5/22/11

Make sure to leave a link to your IMM in the comments, so I can see what goodies you got!  And if you've read any of my goodies, let me know what you thought of them. :)
And as always, In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi @ The Story Siren.

Breadcrumbs by Anne Ursu
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs
If I Stay by Gayle Forman ($3.75 on Amazon!)
Divergent by Veronica Roth
Midnight Never Come by Marie Brennan
Godmother by Carolyn Turgeon
Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta
The Boyfriend List by E. Lockhart
The Boy Book by E. Lockhart

Bonnie @ A Backwards Story
Basically Amazing Ashley
Jane in June readalong


  1. Great books. I loved If I Stay! Enjoy the books you got. ;)

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  5. I love that you like the shape of the creepy book too! :P
    I want to steal Breadcrumbs from you... *grabs and runs*

    ComaCalm's IMM

  6. Sorry for spamming you... my computer failed. I'm not sure if the last apology for spamming you was posted... so erm.. I'm going to go away now.

  7. Those photos are really sketchy, but I love all the nice design things with Peculiar Children. Fantastic books this week. I loved the Ruby Oliver books! That sucks that you got the old covers though. Godmother sounds really good, I had never heard of it. Happy Reading!

  8. I'm jealous that you got a hardcover of Miss Peregrine! Loved it - just my kind of strange. I'm curious to see what you think of it.

  9. everyone is getting divergent, i hope its wonderful, cant wait for the review

  10. Jellicoe Road has been pushed on me by so many people! I'm looking forward to it. And Breadcrumbs is SO PRETTY! Lovely books this week, Misty.

  11. I'm going to read Jellicoe Road this summer, after so many recommendations! I loved Divergent- probably one of my favorites this year. If I Stay is one of my all time favorites.
    Happy reading!

  12. jellicoe road is AWESOME!!! and i second the blogger who recommends everything by melina marchetta--you have to read saving francesca and the piper's son after reading jellicoe road. great IMM this week. happy reading :)

    Our IMM if you can stop by.


  13. Like I said on youtube - Im jealous of your haul AGAIN this week! LOL!!!

    Really wishing you were a neighbor so we could browse each others libraries!

    Here's my IMM this week

  14. Wouldn't that be awesome! Maybe a big bookish commune? ;P

  15. Oh, I've never heard of Breadcrumbs! What a pretty cover. I'll have to go check it out.

    I bought Divergent this week too! I think I bought into all the blogger too. LOL. That, and the author is coming to my city next month, and I have to have a book for her to sign. :)

    I've never heard of Godmother either! I'll be checking that one as well.

    I'd be irritated to get the wrong covers also! Bah. That's a bummer.

    Jennifer of Little Shelf

  16. JELLICOE ROAD!!! I LOVE IT!! SO excited you grabbed a copy!! Yayayayayayay! *Does happy dance!*

  17. Looks like you had a great week! Happy reading! My mailbox is here.

  18. Awesome loot!

    I'm so happy I made you want to read GODMOTHER! That made me grin so hard!!! I hope you enjoy it and can't wait to see your review. :)

    I can't wait to read BREADCRUMBS. I'm drooling all over my keyboard atm. Like you, I purchased IF I STAY from Amazon for cheap. Did Ashley tell you about the deal, too? I have DIVERGENT, but have no time to read it until June, which depresses me. *WANT* Ah, and I still need to read JELLICOE ROAD before the library demands it back...

    I love how you are about covers. Your gripe made me LOL. I did the same thing recently with VALIANT by Holly Black. I've decided I want to read this series now b/c the second book is Beauty and the Beast, but I HATE the new covers! *wants the original ones*


Tell me all your thoughts.
Let's be best friends.