Friday, March 4, 2011

Friday Face Off: Dark Angel v. The Vespertine

I've got to give credit to Laura at Tattooed Books for spotting this fabulous Face Off.  I quite like this one, actually, because even though they are both clearly the same stock photo, they each make their own use of the image for a very different feel.   I mean, in both there is the same sense of danger and immediacy just from there being a running girl -- but the colors, font and title styles, backgrounds and cropping choices make one feel sort of rich and opulent, and the other sort of spare and ethereal.  I quite like the use made of both, and am hard pressed to say which appeals to me more, so I'm bringing the decision to you: which do you want to pick up more?  Which speaks to you?
Who did it better?>Last Week on FFO:  Blood Magic and Losing Faith went head to, well, really it was more fist to first, as the heads were mostly missing...Anywhoodle, Losing Faith succumbed to that Hoodoo-that-Tessa Gratton-do, because Blood Magic won in a landslide.
Winnah ---->

Have a suggestion for Friday Face Off?  Email me at!


  1. I'm with ya...I like both of these =)

  2. Have you seen the cover for Beautiful Chaos? Reminds me too much of Darkness Becomes Her...

  3. Hmmm...I think I'd have to go with The Vespertine, mainly because of the color combinations!

  4. I think I'm about the only person who wasn't in love with The Vespertine cover. I don't really like it. I still don't love the image, but I definitely like it better for Dark Angel. I love red, and I like that zoom better.

  5. @Angelique: YES! I've almost had them Face Off a few times!

  6. Definitely The Vespertine. The giant white feather on the Dark Angel cover looks out of place to me.

  7. I can't decide either. The Dark Angel cover has the red color that makes it eye catching but The Vespertine cover you can see more of the dress and the movement of I like both :)

  8. While both rock, I vote for Vespertine :)

  9. vespertine get me this time with its warm sepia-like tones.

  10. I'm going to have to go with Dark Angel. I just don't like the colors on The Vespertine. ;P

  11. The Vespertine! All the way! I love the colors! And I like that the bottom of the dress is visable. I can actually see she is running away from something. I don't think that's totally clear on the Dark Angel cover.

    - Jackie

  12. Dark Angel. That bright red and bright white and bold title. And all that starkness against my background forest like last week again.

  13. I found a third book, that uses the same girl on the German cover of a Spanish book by Maite Carranza.

  14. Ooh, good call, SP! I'll have to use that one in an upcoming post!


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