Sunday, February 27, 2011

IMM February

In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi @ The Story Siren. But you already knew that.
Sorry this one is such a long one, guys, but stick around, there are shenanigans at the end.
Also, much of this video is utterly ridiculous.  (Or much of me is, I guess)

Awesomeness Mentioned:
The Story Siren
Jane in June
Fairy Tale Fortnight
Presenting Lenore's Dystopian February
Bitch Mag controversy
Liz from Consumed by Books

What'd you get in YOUR mailbox?


  1. I love your IMMs because you're so makes me feel like we're having a 1 on 1 convo about books (even though I don't talk back to my computer...really *cough*) instead of listening to you say "I got _____ and ______. the end."

  2. Yep, I'm a talker. Every report card from my youth will confirm that...

  3. I do the same thing looking underneath the covers at the hardbacks. I fid some interesting things by doing that. :) I'm just like you I find something and I post it with my IMM like the awakened book hardcover underneath was cool so I shared, the cover itself was a poster on the other side. So yeah sorry a little chatty. Awesome books this week. Happy early birthday!

  4. Enjoy your books :) Sometimes looking under a cover makes you see all the cool stuff. I have this one book that had a pretty hardcover but it was hidden behind a not-as-pretty cover. Enjoy reading!

    Take a look at what I found in my Mailbox this week.

  5. I always look underneath my bookjacket to see what is there. Darkwood looks great, that's a fantastic cover. I love Grimm's Fairy Tales I have a complete volume too. Hooray for signed ACROSS THE UNIVERSE! Those rats are so cute. I hope you enjoy all your loot this week. Those cheese names are cute. Happy Reading!

  6. Awesome IMM! Hooray for vlogs!

  7. Great IMM! I've always wanted to read Octavia Butler.
    I'm a new follower. Your header is the most adorable thing I've ever seen :-)
    My IMM

  8. The Jane Austen book does sound really useful. I fend out awkward proposals all the time. I could use some help. :D

    Ice does look like it has a gorgeous cover!

    40 cents is a good deal! And I've been wanting Fade and Wake! I'm jelly of all the awesome deals you found.

    Enjoy Misty!

  9. hmmm, undercover spines. sounds like a good meme ;-D
    happy early birthday!

  10. Ooo...Jane Austen handbook looks awesome! I'm interested to see what you think of it!

    THERE'S A GOODWILL BOOKS.COM?!?!?!? **Goes off to frantically Google**

  11. Hey. Great names for the rats. They are adorable.

    What incredible book deals you find! Great vlog, I love listening to you.


Tell me all your thoughts.
Let's be best friends.