Monday, May 3, 2021

A Long Overdue BOOK HAUL

It's been AGES since we've had a book haul! To be honest, I was unsure whether to even bother with this one. Book hauls have always been so needlessly controversial, and that was proven once again in my feedback form, where the question about book hauls had the most polarized responses. There was almost no middle ground; people either love them or hate them. 

But the fact of the matter is,  I don't have an opportunity (or time. or the desire.) to review every single book that makes its way onto my shelves, so hauls are a great catch-all option to make sure that you guys at least no about them! Maybe something will stand out and you'll want to look into it; I know I've discovered tons of books I wouldn't have otherwise from people's hauls. Anyway, enough justification. Let's look at the books!

Books Mentioned:

The Wolf and the Dove 

The Spellbook of the Lost and Found

Black Bird of the Gallows

The Monster on the Road is Me 

The Wood Wife 

A Most Clever Girl: How Jane Austen Discovered Her Voice

Rosie Loves Jack