Wednesday, August 29, 2018

FREE Jane Austen Bookmarks Printables!

Earlier this month, I offered up a duo of watercolored printables to add to your collection as an Austen in August freebie, and asked if you guys wanted to see some bookmarks to accompany them.
And you did.
So I delivered.

Not only did I make a batch of watercolored Janeite bookmarks to match the original 5x7 printables (which you can enter to win here), I also made a second set of printables for all of your bookmarking needs.
And I may have gotten carried away. . .
AIA printable bookmarks 2018 splash

You can find both sets of printables in this folder, to download, print and enjoy! All 6 bookmarks print on a single sheet of  standard 8.5 x 11 inch (A7) paper. I recommend printing on the heaviest cardstock that will run smoothly through your printer, but you can also print on regular copy paper and stick down to something sturdier, like cardboard from a cereal box!

These are very color-heavy bookmarks, but they DO print okayish in black and white, too! (I've included a black and white version, to make it easier and more likely you'll get a clean print, should you choose that option!) There are enough here to print and spread the love of Jane by sharing with a friend, or keep ‘em all for your collection. I won’t judge.

If you decide to print and use these bookmarks, or the earlier set of printables, I’d love if you’d snap a pic and show me on instagram, facebook or twitter with the hashtag #AustenInAugust! But either way, I hope you enjoy, and I hope you’ve had a happy Austen in August.

***These are for personal use only! Please do not duplicate or distribute other than as intended, without my express permission. These took freaking ages, don’t be an ass. Thanks!

Jane Austen, Austen in August, blog event

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  1. Oh poo. I can't get the link to work. It takes me to a lovely printable watercolor but not the bookmarks. Perhaps I'm doing something wrong?

    1. Oops, my fault! I accidentally linked directly to one of the items in the folder, instead of to the folder of printables as a whole. It's fixed now!

  2. Those are impressive. Thanks for your effort in making them, Misty!

  3. Thanks for taking so much time to work on these. Downloading NOW!!


  4. Thank you s much for designing these. I love them and printed 2 sets.

  5. Thanks a million for these . Will be printing them off later and laminating them. Xxxx

    1. Can't wait to see them in action on insta! =D

  6. I just love this. 💓


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