Friday, August 3, 2018

Eat Like Austen: Salmagundy! | recipe from Beth

Today's video is a guest cooking vid from Beth @ Printcess!
You can find more of Beth's posts sprinkled throughout Austen in August, here!
And more of this year's AIA posts here!

This recipe is for Salmagundy, which originated in 17th century England and was a popular side dish in the Regency. It's great for summer, because it's just a cold, layered casserole.

Period recipe comes from The Art of Cookery Made Plain and Easy, but Mrs. Hannah Glasse. I've adapted it for modern tastes (the original recipe calls for anchovies, and is scaled for a dozen people). This adaptation is quick and easy, and feeds two people easily.


1 can cooked, shredded chicken (or some roasted chicken you've shredded yourself, probably equivalent to two breasts)
1 generous handful salad greens (mixed greens + baby spinach, or just mixed greens- your choice)
1 lemon
3 eggs
Green onion
Horseradish, scraped fresh or powdered (optional)
Oil of choice
Mustard (1 Tblsp dry English mustard for a thicker sauce, or a squeeze of brown mustard for a thinner sauce)

Chop and layer as instructed in video, dress, and enjoy!

If you make Salmagundy, please let us know your thoughts! And check out more of Beth's recipes every Friday during Austen in August!

Jane Austen, Austen in August, blog event
Click here to return to the master list of Austen in August posts!


  1. Oh this looks fantastic. I would love this. Thank you!

  2. Sounds like it would be wonderful!

  3. Replies
    1. My pleasure! And you're right- it's a great recipe for days when you can't even *think* about turning on the oven. :D

  4. Sounds delicious. I will have to give it a try.


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