Thursday, March 22, 2018

Little Reading Boxes | Lunch Chat

Join me for lunch and a little chat about boxing yourself in with your reading, vs. trying out new things (whether for variety or for your own personal edification).

Have a topic you'd like to see on Book / Lunch / Tea Chat? Tell me in the comments!

Disclosure: This is NOT a sponsored video


  1. Well, I read this later in the evening so I was munching on Harry and David's dark chocolate Moose Munch rather than 'meal' food.

    Great topic. I actually started working my reading horizons last year when I felt my reading was getting stale. I wanted to read more non-fiction, but, I knew it wouldn't last if I didn't first establish the habit. I slid into it slowly. I picked up books that addressed social history and other historical details about the times and places in favorite fiction of that time (Austen, Gaskell, Hardy, Bronte, etc). I also picked up a few travologue style ones because I knew I would like learning about other places. I tried a couple themed poetry anthologies that worked because they were shorter.
    I've continued this into this year. I read mostly fiction still, but have diversified even in those by reading straight up fiction as opposed to my usual romances. I've read a few more fantasies and sci-fis. Last year, I 'discovered' several authors as a result.
    My biggest influence has been our local library's display shelves. I've picked two from the 'eyecatcher' shelves. One was good and the other I ended up skimming, but they got me to look at something new to me. I really don't think contemporary entertainment people memoirs is ever going to be my thing, but I discovered that I liked memoirs about lesser known or modern historical ones.

    Great chat!

  2. To be honest, this is why I love being part of things like the My Shelf to Yours book swap- it's a group of book lovers that aren't all booktubers, and each swap is along a theme (like Award Winner). I've gotten so many books out of that I'd never have picked up on my own. Like Among Others (which is a historic magical realism with scifi and fantasy elements....kinda genre-defying, and utterly charming).

    I actively feel like a not-good person if I spent the entire year reading 3 or fewer genres (I think I'm afraid of being in an echo chamber). I think you're absolutely right about sampling widely. I also keep trying some genres (like romance) and keep being underwhelmed or annoyed by it isn't necessarily a great approach to force yourself to try genres you dislike. I open to being surprised.

    Also, along the lines of required reading- I fought reading Jane Eyre in college, and was so bored by it. Read it as an adult, and loved it. And now I re-read it every decade. Go figure! I tend to stay away from self-help, but I've adored several non-fiction (Come as You Are, everything Mary Roach has written, and Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver).

    As for lunch, it hasn't happened yet (I have a kitty on my lap, holding me down with the power of his cuteness- as soon as he moves I'll be having a bowl of pinto beans, spinach, oregano, rice cauliflower, and whatever else I'm allowed to eat today). :)


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