Tuesday, May 10, 2016

BOOK & BEAUTY HAUL | April 2016

Welp, we're halfway through May and I'm only just managing to upload my April haul... Spring-Fever-Idontwannawork has definitely struck...
ANYWAY, here's a look at some of the goodies that came my way in April, and so far, May is off to a cracking start, so look forward to *that* haul in a couple of weeks!

Also... LAWNMOWERS. -_-

Vassa in the Night
The Sleeping Prince
Crow Mountain
The Trouble to Check Her
Rat Queens, vol One
Saga, vol One

L'Oreal EverPure vox box from influenster
Tarte Glam Goodies set (includes Tartelette Tease palette, lip paint in 'tbt' and lash paint mascara)
Tarte Make a Splash skincare set (includes Marine Boosting Mist, Deep Dive Cleansing Gel, and Drink H2O Hydrating Boost)
First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Liquid Recovery

Disclosure: This is NOT a sponsored video, though the books (from publishers) and the L'Oreal hair care products (from Influenster) were received as PR samples, for review purposes, as stated. This in no way changes my opinion of them.

MUSIC: Otis McDonald, "Scarlet Fire"


  1. I love the shiny mailer packaging, too. And the book inside definitely has appeal.

    I need to snag the Lydia story by Maria Grace. Total curiosity.

  2. I have read both Sin Eater Daughter and The Sleeping Prince!!! I LOVED both books. TSP is told from a different POV then the first book and you could probably read it as a stand alone but I wouldn't recommend it. You would miss a lot of stuff and it would totally spoil book one!

  3. I can't wait to hear how you like Saga! I've been waiting on Rat Queens vol 1 from the library for 16 MONTHS. Very popular graphic novel! :)

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