Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Guest Post & Giveaway: Human Body Theater by Maris Wicks!

Welcome to the Human Body Theater, where your master of ceremonies is going to lead you through a theatrical revue of each and every biological system of the human body! Starting out as a skeleton, the MC puts on a new layer of her costume (her body) with each "act." By turns goofy and intensely informative, the Human Body Theater is always accessible and always entertaining.
[aka: welcome to one of the quirkiest blog tours I've ever been part of! =D ]

Now: onto the Organ o' the Day...


Take a deep breath. Now exhale. (Also, keep breathing after you’ve done those first two instructions.) Breathing is one of those things that we must do to survive, but we rarely think about it. That’s because it’s one of our bodies’ many involuntary actions. Our heart beats, our stomach digests, our armpits sweat, all without us telling them to do so. Breathing pulls air into the lungs, were oxygen is exchanged for carbon dioxide. The oxygen is absorbed into the blood and carried throughout the body to give energy to cells, and the carbon dioxide (leftover waste from the body) is carried up out of the lungs and out into the air. It’s not all oxygen and carbon dioxide though! The air that we breathe is only about 21% oxygen with the rest being 78% nitrogen and 1 to 2% other gases. The nitrogen goes into our lungs as well, but it’s just along for the short ride, and is exhaled back out, along with the carbon dioxide! Whew!

To celebrate the release of Human Body Theater, FirstSecond has offered up a copy of the book to one lucky winner! 
To enter, fill out the Rafflecopter below. 
Entrants under 13 require parents permission.

Human Body Theater by Maris Wicks
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Graphic Novel, 240 pages
Published October 6th 2015 by First Second
Welcome to the Human Body Theater, where your master of ceremonies is going to lead you through a theatrical revue of each and every biological system of the human body! Starting out as a skeleton, the MC puts on a new layer of her costume (her body) with each "act." By turns goofy and intensely informative, the Human Body Theater is always accessible and always entertaining.

Maris Wicks is a biology nerd, and by the time you've read this book, you will be too! Harnessing her passion for science (and her background as a science educator for elementary and middle-school students), she has created a comics-format introduction to the human body that will make an expert of any reader -- young or old!

Maris Wicks lives in Somerville, Massachusetts. She has harnessed the power of her various biological systems to draw comics for Adhouse Books, Tugboat Press, and Spongebob Comics, and written stories for Image and DC Comics. Wicks is the illustrator of the New York Timesbestselling Primates, with Jim Ottaviani. When she's not making comics, Wicks works with New England Aquarium. She's especially proud of her pulmonary system.


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