Wednesday, September 30, 2015

NSFW Tag | #TagWeek

I think it should go without saying, since this is the NSFW tag, but

Tagged by Kat  |  Original tag by Luke and Katie.
Bad Sex Award
Hush, Hush review.
Book Boyfriends (so many!)
More book tags this week on my instagram.
See more tag videos here.

The Questions:
1. What is the LAST book you would want your parents to walk in on you reading?
2. It’s storming outside, and you’re home alone for the night. What book would only make matters worse?
3. Have you ever read a book simply because of the controversy surrounding it?
4. What is the most cringe-inducing romance or sex scene you have ever read?
5. What book has made you question the author's sanity?
6. Have you ever put down a book and not finished it because the content was too much for you?
7. What fictional character do you have the most NSFW thoughts about?
8. Show us your most NSFW book cover (or drawing/photo inside a book).
9. Have you ever read something from the erotica/romance genre, and what did you think?
10. You stumble across a portkey. What fictional world would you NOT want to be transported into?

MUSIC: "Fingers" by Otis McDonald


  1. You are a braver gal than moi. I don't do scary stuff on an atmospheric night, but maybe thrillers...

    Covers have really gotten me into awkward spots over the years and its funny b/c the real erotic romances I've read have pretty tame covers.

    I get curious about controversial books, but I usually don't end up reading them. Although, yeah, had to read a few to see what all the fuss was about when it just wouldn't go away.

  2. Wow, I love your hair. I wish I could dye mine but I already did and now it’s gotten pretty rough. I like the way you speak by the way!

    1. Switch to gentle shampoos w/o sulfates, deep condition frequently, and use a hair oil on the ends, and you'll be right as rain in no time!

  3. Well... These are quite a hue list of questions with which you can easily read the mind and taste of the person for books.


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Let's be best friends.