Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Shatter Me read along update: Instagrammin' | #WednesdayYa

I had originally intended to post an excerpt vlog of Shatter Me for you guys today as part of #WednesdayYA, but my camera has run away, so I'll just have to save that for next week (which is also when we're having our twitter chat!).
I've been documenting my #WednesdayYA reading on Instagram, so since there's no vlog today, I thought I'd share that with you instead. Click through to see some of my favorite (and not so favorite) quotes from Shatter Me, and my thoughts so far!


I'll be honest, Shatter Me makes for perfect bathtime reading, and I'm not the only one who thinks so, as it's been Liz's bath book, too. Any other Wednesday YAers out there reading this one in the bath?

And now, on to the quotes

I'd liked the book well-enough to this point, but this was the first time that I sort of nodded to myself and thought, Yep, Juliette's a character I could get behind...

This quote's a bit of a mixed bag for me. I have a feeling that (beyond the strike-throughs being annoying to some people), some readers are going to find this book very over-written. Stream-of-consciousness is a hard one to pull off and please universally, and sometimes Mafi goes into cheesy territory for me (and I think some people will have an even lower cheese-threshold than I do). This one started off great to me, and took an unfortunate turn into silly emo REALLY quickly.

But when Mafi gets the extended metaphor right, she nails it. The last line of this one! Love it.

I mean... isn't that just the truth?
(Not sure if Mafi is being coyly self-reverential here, and poking fun at herself, or whether the immediacy of things is in earnest...)

Fortunately, even when the book is going into Serious Emo Kid mode, Mafi manages to pull it back around and remind me why I like it and Juliette. Juliette's definitely at her best — for me, anyway — when she's like this: feisty, snarky, and possibly pointing a gun at someone's head...

So, if you're reading Shatter Me with us, or following along and chiming in, what are some of your favorite (or least favorite) quotes of the book?

Make sure you stop back next Wednesday for more WYA, and join us that night as we chat about the experience on The Twitters!


  1. This book is so shinny that I can see your reflection! People with a lot attention span will be pulled to this b....OOOO SOMETHING SHINNY! *runs away*

    1. That was basically my caption when I posted it on instagram. I was like, LOOK AT THE SHINEH OMG lol!

  2. It's picking up for me. I kind of like Warren more than Adam... can there be teams already? :)

    1. I'm pretty sure there were teams before people even opened the book... (And a lot of people seem to like Warner, so you're not alone! I'm still on the fence.)

  3. Aaaand I'm one of those with a low cheese threshold. And a low emo-spazzing-anxiety-ridden-MC threshold. I had no problem with the stream of consciousness or slash-throughs, and even with some of the purple metaphor humping. But I hoped Juliette would be quasi-insane, with her obsessing over metaphors and constant freaking out.

    1. I think she NEEDED some legit insanity. I mean, COME ON. She's been in isolation for HOW LONG, and she has this insane, terrifying thing she does to people, AND she basically never felt love, never got to be touched? All that is begging for some shaking in the corner, chewing on her own hair, crazytastic times!


Tell me all your thoughts.
Let's be best friends.