Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Stack of Five (13): BIG BOOKS | December, 2013

Hey guys! Welcome to December's STACK OF FIVE. =)
Since December is going to be a month of reading basically whatever I want, review pile be damned, I figured I'd have time this month to tackle one of the big ole' doorstops lurking on my shelves... So this month's theme is BIG BOOKS.

Let me know which of these 5 books you'd most like to see me read and review this month; if you need more help deciding, you can find out more about each book at their links below, or you can hear an excerpt of each on this month's bonus vlog!

Voting is open until NOVEMBER 30th, and the winner will be announced in my December TBR. Thanks for watching, and happy voting!

Eon | Alison Goodman
Nevermore | Kelly Creagh
Grave Mercy | Robin LaFevers
Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell | Susanna Clarke
Terrier | Tamora Pierce


  1. So many I could vote for, but I'm going Terrier because it's also sitting unread on my shelves and reading along would be awesome! :)

    1. I don't think it's going to win based on the YT votes (frowny face), but if it does, you should definitely read along!

  2. Grace Mercy gets my vote (as the only of that stack that I have on my TBR pile as well). It sounds like a great premise, but it's a lot to commit to, if it's just 'meh'....so I'll vote for you to be the guinea pig for me. :)

    1. Haha! Well, on YT, Jonathan Strange is winning so far, but I think I'm rooting for Grave Mercy - loved the opening page, and I've heard great things about it. Either way, whenever I read it, I'll let you know what I thought! =)

  3. My vote goes to Jonathan Strange because he's a magician, haha!!

  4. Eon for sure. I am an absolute dragon addict and, yes, gender bending is always an interesting twist. Sounds kinda reminiscent of Mulan.

  5. My vote is Grave Mercy. Robin LaFevers is amazing. I loved Dark Triumph the best.

  6. Terrier is the title I know least about, so I'd love to hear your take on that one!

  7. Grave Mercy is amazing. Its the only one I have read but I think you would really like it so I am going to vote for it!!!

  8. Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell! I loved that monster. Admittedly, I audio-booked it because, yeah, it's enormous. Prepare to be immersed. It is not a story; it's a whole culture you're going to experience. Very slow, contemplative fiction. But something about it was so intriguing, I just couldn't stop reading (listening to) it. Also, the "gentleman with thistle-down hair…" Just him, all by his creepy self, could drive the whole book home for me.


Tell me all your thoughts.
Let's be best friends.