Saturday, November 2, 2013

November TBR & Stack of Five!

Well, it's November, kiddos. Really don't know where this year has gone... But a new month means a new TBR and a new chance for you to control my reading, so... welcome to this month's TBR & Stack of Five!

This month's TBR is short and scattered - not entirely sure what I'm going to read/want to read/have time to read, so your suggestions of fun, happy books are welcome!

The Geek's Guide to Dating | Eric Smith
How to Be Alone | Tanya Davis, illus. Andrea Dorfman
How Not to Be a Dick | Megan Doherty
The Girl Who Soared Over Fairyland and Cut the Moon in Two (maybe) | Catherynne M. Valente
Sorrow's Knot (maybe) | Erin Bow

Now on to the Stack of Five! This month's stack is MACMILLAN themed, which I find super fun! I've never done a theme centered around a particular publisher, but I love the idea of it, and it just seemed to work out nicely that way, so I went with it. These are all books that are coming out in 2014, so whichever one you pick will get a super early review!
Take a look, and if you want more info on the books, links can be found below.
Only your FIRST vote counts (though you can vote here and on youtube, so technically 2 votes!), and voting is open until the 5th! =)

Sekret | Lindsay Smith
Tin Star | Cecil Castellucci
Love Letters to the Dead | Ava Dellaira
Something Real | Heather Demetrios
Plus One | Elizabeth Fama

Let me know your thoughts on my TBR pile, and make sure to vote for which book you want to add to it from this month's Stack!


  1. I just finished reading SEKRET and I loved it, so I'm going to vote for that one.

  2. Argh they all sound so interesting!! I'm voting for Sekret. But also Plus One sounds like a good choice.

  3. Something Real, though seriously I really would like to get your review thoughts on most of those.

    1. They all will be reviewed, eventually, but only one will be reviewed this early. =)

  4. Tin Star because it sounds reminiscent of Firefly.

  5. Replies
    1. Voting ended on the 5th, but Sekret was the winner! =)


Tell me all your thoughts.
Let's be best friends.