Friday, November 29, 2013

Holiday Book Buying Guide, part 3: Something for Everybody

Black Friday is upon us (gird your loins if you're venturing out, friends!), and I'm back with part 3 of my Holiday Book Buying Guide! Today I'm giving you some of my picks for specific types of readers (or recommendations for yourself; no judgement here!).There are more to come, too, but until then, you might find what you're looking for by checking out the rest of the guide here.
Otherwise, grab a cup of tea, click through, and enjoy your book browse!

The Funk-Breaker Fun-Time Books:

For the friend whose been in a reading slump, you can't beat one of my go-to funk-breakers, like Paranormalcy, Texas Gothic, and Hex Hall; also always on the funk-breaker recommended list: fairy tale retellings (some of my faves are above), and graphic novels, which you can find below.

For the Middle Grader

I'm that friend/family member that always gets the kids books, and I don't know whether I'm loved or loathed for it. (Probably a bit of both. Noisy toys? No. Shiny books? Yes.) Regardless, there's little I love more than finding a good middle grade book to push into a kid's eager hands. From my go-to authors like Anne Ursu and Erin Bow, to some new whimsy with a classic feel that will win over adults and kids alike, like Catherynne M. Valente's Fairyland series, all the way down the list to the trusty standby of your old favorites for a new generation, giving books to kids for Christmas just feels right - and inspires a lot of conversation and book-bonding!

For the Contemporarily Quirky

In my opinion, you can never go wrong with AS King - male or female, teen or adult, contemporary fan or lover of all things hella-quirky, King tics all those boxes and then some, and packs in powerful, moving stories to boot. But there are plenty of other contemp/realistic-magical realist/quirkfest hybrids out there, ready to charm and befuddle you or your giftee.

For the Visual People in your life:

Got a friend who's "not a reader"? That's what they think... Break 'em in gently, or get your favorite fussy reader something different with one of this year's break out graphic novels (or an old favorite & trusty standby). My recommendations include the Boxers & Saints boxset for the serious folk (even though I haven't read it, you never can go wrong with Gene Luen Yang), Nothing Can Possibly Go Wrong for the contemporary/humor lovers, Allie Brosh's Hyperbole and a Half  or anything by The Oatmeal for the smart-asses, Anything and Something for, well, me and those oddballs you know who are like me (new Kaoru Mori OMG!) and all the rest for just about anybody. All good, across the board. =)

But Graphic Novels not their thing? What about an awesomely odd talking point book, coffee table book, quirky non-fiction, etc?

I think that's enough recommendations to keep you busy for today's post, but there will be more tailored picks to come, as well as a list of my absolute must-haves and some non-book bookish gifts. But until then, any specific categories you want to see? Or do you have a Problem Reader whom you need more tailored recommendations for? Let me know what you're looking for in the comments, and I'll see what tricks I can pull out of my hat! 
Happy Book Shopping! 

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