Sunday, July 14, 2013

Book Chat: Literary Families [Tag]

This month's Book Chat as inspired by a random bit of fun that popped up in a Tea Time chat with Team Epic Reads - I thought it'd make a really fun chat AND a really fun tag, so I'm going to go ahead and call it both. As with any Book Chat, I tag anyone who wants to play along. Feel free to leave yours as a response, or as a blog or vlog on the linky below!

And of course, feel free to answer in the comments, or tweet at me @TheBookRat! (And hey - why not add @EpicReads in there, too? =D ) And check out the #TeaTime that started it all...

Dad Neil Gaiman
Mom L.M. Montgomery
Grandpa Maurice Sendak
Grandpa Dr. Seuss
Grandma Toni Morrison
Grandma Margaret Atwood
Brother Christopher Pike
Sister Sarah Beth Durst
Cousins: SE HintonRachel HawkinsMarissa MeyerA.S. King, and Bruce Coville
Aunt Tamora Pierce
Aunt Maureen Johnson
Aunt Shirley Jackson
Uncle Shel Silverstein
Neighbors - Jane Austen and J.K. Rowling
Pets - Marley and Christopher Hogwood
BFFs - Kiersten White and Kendare Blake
Crushes: THE PATRICKS! (Rothfuss and Ness)


  1. That's really a great family! :) think I'd like to have Gaiman and Rowling in my lit-family, too. And I totally get your crush on Patrick R. - I mean, his beard is just epic!

  2. HIS BEARD IS EPIC. Yes. That is crush-worthy on its own. ;P

  3. Ah!! I love it so much. I'm sad, I've been working Wednesdays recently and have missed out on Tea Time, but I'm so glad you decided to do this as a book chat. I def have to think on it and get back to you...I'll do a vlog. I'll likely have some of the same players, but not necessarily in the same rolls (accept, I may have to 3rd the Gaiman dad bit).

  4. Totally agree with you on Rachel Hawkins! She would be the fun cousin.

    I am the aunt that undermines the parents! I totally sneak candy to my nephews when my sister isn't looking.

  5. So we're going to be related a couple times over, eh, Heidi? =D

    Moirae - that's the only kind of aunt to be... ;P

  6. I cant believe I did not watch this video sooner. I am working on a blog post for this to post next weekend.
    I missed that episode of TeaTime must go back and watch it.

    My real life I am an only child with two parents and not that many relatives that I speak or see often. My Lit family is my true family. (ADOPT ME PLEASE)

  7. When you watch the Tea Time, it's pretty late in the video when we started talking about lit families, just to let you know. =D


Tell me all your thoughts.
Let's be best friends.