Friday, March 1, 2013

Friday Face Off / Cover Reveal: Night Creatures series

Today's Face Off is a little bit different in that it's not entirely a Face Off. I mean, you're still welcome to tell me in the comments which versions you'd prefer to have on your shelves, but today we're actually doing a bit of a Face Off / Cover Reveal combo in honor of the international release of Marianne de Pierres' Night Creatures series. It's not really fair to do a straight forward Face Off because, let's be honest, we've all coveted these gorgeous covers since the moment they were released. And we've all been waiting for the series to make its way out of Australia and into the wider world. And of course, we were hoping they'd make it to us with these covers intact, but alas, that was not to be. But Marianne is releasing the books internationally herself at the end of March, and has had new versions of the cover designed for us non-Aussie readers, and though it may be a bitter pill to swallow to know we can't have those gorgeous, buttery, glowing original covers, I will say from having read the first book, the dark, gothy redesigns actually do suit.

So, what do you guys think? Would you pick these up now that you'll soon be able to, and has your impression of the series changed with these new covers? And if you've read the series, what do you think?


Last Week on FFO: The new and original covers of Elizabeth Myles' Fury and Envy went head to head, and lets face it, the cover redesign never stood a chance. 
Winners ---->


  1. The originals are absolutely unique and stunning. You definitely get dark feel from it. The new ones are too generic. I would walk pass those and not even glance twice.

  2. Love the top shine light cover!!

  3. Goth.
    The second one are just soo generic.

  4. Yikes, the originals are way better. The new ones look so... bland photoshopped. The originals are ARTWORK.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The originals are ten times better. The second set just looks cliché and cheesy.

  7. The originals are outstanding. The redesign is...not. Who are the redesign covers meant to attract? It's like someone crazily thought, "I think we need a little less wow." That was just not even remotely a good call. The only way it would have been a good call is if the new covers where the originals and the originals were the redesign. THEN it would be awesome upgrade.

  8. Quite frankly the redo looks like one of those smut romance novels that you get at the grocery store. Not good at all.

  9. Quite frankly the redo looks like one of those smut romance novels that you get at the grocery store. Not good at all.

  10. What The Face???
    The new ones Are Horrendous.

  11. I don't actually know this series, but the original covers would totally have caught my attention - the redesign, not-at-all! They look like a really poor photoshop job. Unfortunate.

  12. In the world where technology is should be able to get any book from anywhere! It's so maddening!


Tell me all your thoughts.
Let's be best friends.