Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Book Haul: March 19, 2013

So... I made a joke on Twitter that if I was a meme, I'd be a picture of me making one of the many derp faces that get edited out of these videos, with the words "Records book haul. Immediately buys more books."
True to form, I just had a book haul and went out and bought these the day after it went up. (And now that THIS ONE has gone up, I've got another stack waiting, and more on the way...) So. Yeah.

Amelia Anne is Dead and Gone | Kat Rosenfield
A Temptation of Angels | Michelle Zink
The Catastrophic History of You and Me | Jess Rothenberg
Gilt | Katherine Longshore
Rosebush | Michele Jaffe
Chopsticks | Jessica Anthony & Rodrigo Corral
Harbinger | Sara Wilson Etienne
The Space Between | by Brenna Yovanoff
Babe in Boyland | Jody Gerhman
Chalice | Robin McKinley


  1. Where do you shop? I wish I could find hardcover books so cheap!

  2. This is from a place called Ollie's, Stephanie. =)

  3. Lovely books again! = )

    *Here's my last book haul:



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