Friday, January 11, 2013

Friday Face Off: Devilish

This week's Face Off of Maureen Johnson's Devilish is an interesting one for a number of reasons. One: the very particular changes between the simple original cover and the more detailed (but mostly the same) follow up intrigue me. Two: This face off actually came about when I stumbled upon the 3rd cover on Amazon - even though I can't seem to find it in existence anywhere else... No idea if this cover is something someone just made on a whim and replaced on Amazon somehow, or whether this can actually be found in the wild...
Either way, I'm curious to hear your thoughts on all three this week, as well as know which you'd rather have on your shelves. So:
Which one did it better?

Last Week on FFO: Two versions of Matt Haig's The Radleys faced off, with most of you preferring the fresh, kitschy look of the newer cover - though at least one of you (Jen) was concerned the cover model may be about to moon an entire bat colony...
Winner ---------->


  1. I like the one in the middle best.

  2. We like the one in the middle the most.

  3. The middle one makes the book look like fun reading. The left cover is a bit bland and the right cover says nothing at all about the book :)

  4. The second. It manages to be darker and yet more playful. Not sure how they did it but it works for me.

  5. Definitely the middle cover, it's gorgeous and makes the story seem really fun. I would pick it up in a heartbeat!

  6. I love the simple original, to me something simple and almost innocent is creepier than the obviously devilish look of the second one. This cover really grabbed my attention in your Yellow Shelf Tour video as it's a book of Johnson's I hadn't seen before (but obviously need to check out).

  7. I honestly love the original too, Heidi. I think the update is too overdone, and they've made it too obvious.
    I know the original looks really bland next to it, but on its own, it's so striking and simple, and disturbing in this really weird way, because there's nothing really going on except the way the girl is looking at you, and it's creepy.

  8. I actually like the original. The middle one makes the girl look a bit more fun but the original really has the calm, yet creepy effect. Much more fitting of the title.

  9. I'm favoring the middle one. It seems to encapsulate the title a lot better than the other two.

  10. I personally love the original one the most but I can easily see why others would favor the one in the middle.

  11. I think I prefer the first one. The one you found on Amazon is cool (and kind of reminds me of Wildefire by Karsten Knight) but I'm always more drawn to covers with people on them. For some reason she looks extra creepy in the first one -- I think it's the golden eyes.

    BTW, you've probably had this layout for ages, but I'm just getting back into the blogging thing and it's the first time I've seen it -- I looooove the new design!

  12. On my book shelves, I would rather the middle book cover the most but I don't like the way they did her hair. I do like the evil look the model is giving, the book cover colours grab my attention as well, plus I think that the cupcake with the devil horns and tail, is delicious fun. Also the font gets a thumbs up from me as well. Now I'm off to goodreads to see what the book is about. Loved this weeks Friday Face Off. Looking forward to the next one now. Natasha @ Paranormal Goddess Book Blog


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