Wednesday, January 30, 2013

3rd Annual Fairy Tale Fortnight Invitation!!

It's almost that time again!! Since I started this blog, I've always tried to share my love of fairy tales with you, 'cause frankly, I'm obsessed. For the last two years, that's meant a two week fairy tale blowout, and that tradition is continuing this year.  Like the past two years, I'll have a co-host helping me spread the fairy tale love, but this year, that co-host is coming in the form of Bonnie from A Backwards Story! You may recall Bonnie from all of the great posts she's brought to the event both years, even when she wasn't a full-fledged co-host; if anyone can give me a run for my money when it comes to sheer fairy tale obsession, it's Bonnie!

Before we get down to particulars: I've said in the past that no blog event feels real until there's a button for it, so let's start there. This year I made both a button (below) and a banner (above), and in the coming days, I'll have a post talking more about that, crediting all of the fabulous people whose work went into it. Feel free to share either or both when talking about Fairy Tale Fortnight. =)

Now, let's get down to business, shall we?

  • What is Fairy Tale Fortnight? Fairy Tale Fortnight is a two-week event that takes place once a year. The focus of the event is fairy tale retellings and fairy tale-esque works. The two weeks will be jam-packed with reviews, interviews, guest posts, giveaways and all manner of awesome things!
  • Where is  Fairy Tale Fortnight? FTF takes place here at The Book Rat and on my Youtube channel (and lets face it, it will probably spill over to my tumblr, twitter and facebook...) It will also be hosted on the blog of my co-host, Bonnie's, A Backwards Story, as well as her social media.
  • When is Fairy Tale Fortnight? This year, FTF will be taking place between Sunday, March 24th and Saturday, April 6th.
  • Can anyone participate in Fairy Tale Fortnight? YES! We highly encourage others to participate, whether it be through their own blogs, vlogs, tumblrs and tweets, or just through the comments. There will be a linky up on the first day for readers and participants to share their own fairy tale-related posts throughout the event. For those who want to be even more involved, we also invite people to guest post here at FTF HQ (ie mine and Bonnie's blogs). Guests can send us their own reviews, giveaways, Top 5 lists, etc - anything with a fairy tale slant that they think should have a turn in the FTF spotlight! There is a form below to fill out if you'd like to be considered for a guest slot!
  • Do you have to be a blogger/vlogger to participate in Fairy Tale Fortnight? NO, not at all! We welcome all comers; the only requirement is a love for fairy tales. Whether you're a full-fledged obsessive like we are, or are just starting to rediscover them, ALL are welcome to participate!
  • Can authors participate as well? Absolutely! Authors are welcome to participate in any of the ways listed above. If you'd like to do something more promotional, like an interview or a giveaway, or talk to Bonnie or I about a possible review, please email us: email Misty | email Bonnie
  • Anything else we should know? Yep! This year, Kathy from I am a reader, not a writer, has helped Bonnie and I organize a Fairy Tale Giveaway Blog Hop! I'm sure you all know how these work, and how epically fantastic they are, but if you want to know more, click on the hop button below!   You can also check out the schedules for year one and year two to get a better idea of how the events run, and what to expect from this year!

BEFORE I LET YOU GO, don't forget to fill out the form below if you'd like to be a featured guest during Fairy Tale Fortnight! And if you have anything particular you'd like to see on this year's event, please tell me in the comments!!

I have closed the form to responses, as it's so close to the event that I'd have to check daily, which is inefficient. But that doesn't mean you can't be involved!

If you'd still like to be a featured guest, but missed the chance to fill out the form, please email me or Bonnie.


  1. I am so excited for thus event and the button is grogeous!!!!

  2. This is awesome and definitely something for me. I am, like you, obsessed with fairytales and retellings. I'm so excited :D


  3. When is the sign up deadline because I plan to read many fairytales books in March and would love to review them.

  4. im very exiting. i really like fairytales so much.


Tell me all your thoughts.
Let's be best friends.