Friday, July 6, 2012

Friday Face Off: Stormdancer

I was putting together a Coming Attraction post for Jay Kristoff's Stormdancer, since it's so on my wishlist (it's coming... a coming Coming Attraction...), and as I was putting the post together I came across another cover for it, as well as an article on Tor's website about how the cover was made (by the fabulous Jason Chan - make sure to check out that post so you can see the different stages the cover went through, as well as a rejected design that I love).
I really like both final covers (US, left and UK/AUS, right), so I thought I'd put it to a vote and see which one we all like more. Personally, as much as I REALLY like both, I think I'm leaning toward the US cover. What can I say, I'm a sucker for the vision of Jason Chan... But what about you? Which would you reach for on the shelves?
Which one did it better?

Last week on FFO: Sarah Rees Brennan's Unspoken went silhouette to silhouette and tri-chrome to tri-chrome with John Connolly's The Book of Lost Things, with Unspoken just managing to snag a win. And as Jen from The Introverted Reader pointed out, Unspoken would also make a good face off against another of Connolly's books: The Gates.
Winnah ----->


  1. The US cover for sure.The katana, Griffin and tattoo all equal awesome.

  2. I prefer the UK cover. I like the colours better. The symbols on the top left annoy me, though. What's up wuth them?

  3. US! She looks SO kick a$$!
    The UK one just looks like a movie poster to me.

  4. I love the US cover, though it runs a bit cliche. However, the determining factor for me was the girl on the cover. Her face is hidden in the UK/AUS cover, and he body shape is...odd. Something about her design is off-putting to me. But the US version has a profile face and a strong and sexy woman, which means I totally dig it.

  5. this one is really hard to choose! i think im gonna say the uk cover though purely based on the font for the title, so purrrrrty! :)

  6. Ah!!! I don't want to choose on this one. I love them both. I was in love with the UK cover until I saw the US one, which I supposed I'll vote for. I love the beauty and grace of the UK cover, but the US one is a bit more butt kicking, and I have to say I like what I see.

  7. I like the UK one better... the color contrast pops out more to my eye. They're both really beautiful but I gotta say I like the UK better on this one!

  8. Both of the covers work really well both color- and design-wise... but who doesn't love Jason Chan! And that shade of red is so striking! So my vote goes for the U.S. cover.

    The font on the U.K. version is beautiful, as well as the color combination of red with light grey. But like others have said, there is something wrong with the human form, and those icons at the top left really throw the composition off...

  9. US.


    All because of the stupid pantsuit she's wearing in the UK cover. It seems really out of place to me. That outfit really doesn't look remotely Japanese to me. I love the rest of the UK cover, and, but for that, it might have been victorious. I just can't get past that though.

  10. I've got 2 write-in votes from Jessica and Jayde (from the bookrockgoddess channel on youtube, as well as their respective blogs); both lovely ladies would like to vote for the US cover, which means - WE HAVE A CLEAR WINNER!

    Feel free to add your thoughts after this comment, but the voting is closed. =D


Tell me all your thoughts.
Let's be best friends.