Friday, April 27, 2012

CLOSED Giveaway: The Fairytale Keeper

The Fairytale Keeper: Avenging the Queen by Andrea Cefalo
280 pages
Expected publication: June 1st 2012 by Scarlet Primrose Press
Snow White was a pet name her mother had given her, but her mother’s dead now. Adelaide hates that name anyway. A rampant fever claimed Adelaide’s mother just like a thousand others in Cologne where the people die without Last Rites and the dead are dumped in a large pit outside of the city walls. Adelaide’s father is determined to obtain a funeral for his wife, but that requires bribing the parish priest, Father Soren. When Soren commits an unforgivable atrocity, he pushes Adelaide to her breaking point, but if she seeks justice against the cruel priest, she risks sacrificing everything: her father, her friends, her first love, and maybe even her life.

Andrea has generously offered up an ARC of The Fairytale Keeper: Avenging the Queen to one lucky winner!
To enter* leave a comment on this post with why you want to read the book OR tell me if you prefer historical or contemporary fairy tale retellings.
+1 for spreading the word, or adding the book on Goodreads (leave links)
Since Andrea is sending the book directly to me, this giveaway is INTERNATIONAL! (love ya)
Ends May 5th

ETA: Bonnie at A Backwards Story has a review & her own giveaway up for The Fairytale Keeper! Comment on her review for a bonus entry!

Don't forget to leave Andrea some love on her interview!  And keep an eye on Books from Bleh to Basically Amazing, where Ashley will be posting a vlog of Andrea reading from The Fairytale Keeper!

*To enter this giveaway, you have to be registered on the Fairy Tale Fortnight giveaway form. Please make sure you have registered, and please do not leave any personal info (like your email) in the comments. Thanks, and good luck!

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Fairy Tale Fortnight Main Page & Schedule
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  1. First off, the attitude in the summary grabbed me right away. I knew this wasn't going to be a normal adaptation. This was about a girl with spunk. It also leaves me with a huge curiosity to know what Father Soren did and why seeking justice is such a high risk for Adelaide. I can't wait to read it!

    Added on Goodreads
    Added to Google+ page

  2. It would have to be historical. I haven't any contemporary that doesnt feel like a cheap fairy tale bit added to it.

  3. It depends if historical is done well (accurate)the right time period I love it!
    I am finding some contemporary that I like which is surprising for me. But I love Fairytale re-tellings.
    They bring me back to my childhood and I just love the mystical feel of them.

  4. Any retelling is good with me, but I prefer historical if it's done well. The Fairytale Keeper looks great! I am definitely intrigued.

  5. I like the cover and the premise! Haha :P I would love to do a review of this on my own blog. :)

  6. I'm intro historical type of books, but as long as it is well written I would go with either. This book sounds interesting and I'd love to win it. :)

  7. I think probably historical, since it fits the traditional fairytale-ey aspect of it. Also, I love historical fiction ;)

  8. I adore The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale. Also want to give some love to Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce which I just started.

  9. I like both but do read more historical fairy-retellings. It's a different world with the clothing, castles and such so it makes me want to visit it.

  10. I don't know why, but I prefer historical settings for fairy tale retellings. I haven't read many set in the present except Beastly and Sisters Red, but fairy tales to me are based on beliefs from the past and so I always think of them in the past. I guess.


  11. I think it would be Contemporary re-tellings that get my attention more. I'm not sure why though!

    ~Paige @ Comfort Books

  12. Historical, I love the darker side of fairy tales . It sounds like a tale i would love the chance to read it!

  13. I love both, but I would have to say contemporary is my favorite...I just like seeing what can be done with a faerie tale in a more contemporary setting, so you can sorta relate more I guess. It was hard to choose which is my favorite :D

  14. Contemporary settings put a new twist on the fairytale and worth a read. Would love to read this.


  15. The blurb to the book sounds beautifully dark and twisted. It sounds right up my alley. I like the idea that Adelaide appears to be in a no-win situation, and I can't wait to see if and how she'll get out of it. It's got to go on my TBR pile.

    (BTW, I'm not entering the giveaway. I just wanted to comment on the awesomeness of the book)

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Sorry I realized I left my email in the last comment so I deleted it. I think that this book looks really fun!!! I haven't really read any retelling of snow white and this one sounds like a great place to start!!!

  18. This book seems like beautiful story! I love historical anything so definitely historical setting for me!

  19. I want to read this because I love fairy tale mashups! Contemporary or historical doesn't matter, but I love a good blend!

  20. I prefer both the traditional fairy tales and the contemporary retelling of them. I have used stories such as The Three Little Pigs and the Three Little Javelinas as lessons in school, comparing the two versions. Usually the kids find these classes lots of fun because they already know one of the versions which makes it easier for them!

  21. i prefer contemporary over historical fairy tale retellings. I like to see how they can be modernized and fit into how things are now.
    i added the book on goodreads too : )

  22. I love both versions of retellings. But I prefer historicals better.!/deadtossedwaves/status/195998619164348416

  23. I generally prefer historical, but there have been some fantastic contemporary. Some of my favorites, A Long, Long Sleep, and Cinder were futuristic!

  24. I love reading fairy tales and I would love to read this one. It sounds very good. Please enter me in contest.

  25. My gosh this sounds terribly interesting! XD

    But hmm it's historical retellings all the way for me, though - I'm a sucker for all things light-hearted and fantasy-adventure-ish. #sheepishgrin. Although I do admit that there are contemporary ones out that that are pretty much class as well!

  26. I'm fena, by the way. :X

  27. I will always prefer an Historical re-telling. It just seems right.

  28. I'm going to say contemporary because (given the history setting of the original tales) I find contemporary tales more innovative. Though I will say that a good fairy tale is a good fairy tale no matter the setting.

  29. As long as the story is a fairy tale retelling,historical or contemporary doesn't matter to me :)

    Thanks for the international giveaway!!

    screen name : sweety

  30. I like them both, but have always loved historical books. I didn't really read many contemporary books until a few years ago. This one seems darker than some of the other books you've highlighted, but I'm intrigued by it. Thanks for the chance to win.

  31. No pref! I just want a retelling that brings something new to the table.

  32. I like to read both types of fairy tales. Historical to me is more of the raw story like you would hear around a camp fire. The contemporary story is fun imagination running wiild and you can really put a great spin on any fairy tale.

  33. In terms of books I do prefer historical ones but with fairytales I like reading both...I love how authors can take fairytales and put them in a period of time and I love to see how they fit that fairytale into that time period
    I also enjoy the contemporary stories because they tend to be very fun and very creative with how they bring in the fairy tale elements into our every day lives

  34. This sounds fascinating for several reasons but what strikes me most is the hint at how the fairy tales are connected. Bonnie referred to the identity of Galadriel in that context which pretty much hooked me.

    I think I lean toward historical fiction as far as a favorite in general, including retellings. I hesitate to even say that though since I like so many types of fiction and have favorites from among them all.

  35. I've always loved the name Adelaide and, in fact, it's the name of the protagonist in the book I'm working one. I'll have to read her book to see if there are any similarities between the two!

  36. I mainly prefer historical ones, but contemporary can be really good and original if done correctly.

  37. I answered the question earlier but I just added the book to my goodreads: I also commented on Bonnies review I really want to read this book I love retelling!!!


Tell me all your thoughts.
Let's be best friends.