Sunday, July 24, 2011

In My Mailbox: July 24th, 2011

Make sure to leave a link to your IMM in the comments, so I can see what goodies you got!  And if you've read any of my goodies, let me know what you thought of them. :)
And as always, In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi @ The Story Siren.


The Summer I Learned To Fly by Dana Reinhardt
Heart's Blood by Juliet Marillier
Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys
Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood
(also mentioned The Year of the Flood)
Shadows on the Moon by Zoë Marriott
Liz @ Consumed By Books

Don't forget to leave your Qs for the Q&A in the comments (or email them to me)!


  1. There is no such thing as an 'unhealthy' relationship with books. NO SUCH THING.

  2. i LOVED between shades of gray and i think you will too. enjoy your books this week and happy reading!

    check out my IMM this week. :)


  3. Nice IMM! Looks like you got some good one. My IMM

  4. The Summer I Learned To Fly sounds great. :) Have fun reading the books you got. ;)

  5. I seriously LOVE watching your IMMs every week--you crack me up! And it makes me earnestly wish that there was a magical land where all of us book bloggers could hang out all the time (besides the internet, I guess haha)!

  6. Hi! The summer I learned to fly is a book i've read. It's good, I think it should probably be middle grade though.

  7. @Zoe: Hahaha! Enabler.

    @JessiKay: Yes! That would be excellent. And can you imagine the size of our combined libraries? *drools*

  8. Love your blog name. It made me smile, especially the little mouse. Love to watch vlogs. Thanks for sharing. If you get a chance, stop by Amy @ bookgoonie

  9. Those all look great - I haven't read any of those. Happy reading!! :)

    My IMM is here:

  10. good list of books i will need to look at some of them more.

  11. I really want to read Shadows of the Moon it looks so good. Also Between Shades of Gray, cant wait to read. Is Shadows of the Moon out yet ? Well you have some awesome books this week, and a cute blog. O also what is Oryx and Crake about?
    Happy Reading!

  12. I need to add Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood and Shadows on the Moon by Zoë Marriott to my wishlist. You have an awesome mailbox! :D Happy reading! ^O^

  13. Laura ~ Shadows on the Moon isn't out in the US until next year, but it is out now in the UK, which is where I got my copy from.
    Oryx and Crake is a dystopia that takes many elements about our culture to their logical extremes. It's really chilling and powerful and gritty and darkly humorous, and very, very well done. As is just about everything Atwood does.

  14. I'm glad you got Between Shades of Gray! It's insanely good. Just have tissues ready.

  15. Okay, I have not read Oryx and Crake. Oops. :P I will check it out though and maybe eventually I will read it.

  16. I absolutely loved Between Shades of Gray. Can't wait to read your thoughts on it.

  17. Between Shades of Gray was a really good but really SAD read. I love historical fiction and this was right up my wasn't as dark as I thought it would be given the topic. Enjoy all of your goodies.

  18. So many awesome/awesome sounding books here!! But also- AHAAHAFLJ FO*Y(R*@ TLI HETLK!!!!!!!!!!

    You have Shadows!! LUCKY!!! (Hope that desperate man smell is gone! :P )

  19. I meant to mention the smell! It's really only one side of the book that smells (leaf-side). It's ridiculous. I really want to know what lonely packer had his hands on it...

  20. Unhealthy, whaaaaaaaaat? People who DON'T love books are the unhealthy ones. Their poor minds...!!

    You finally caved and got HEART'S BLOOD! All right! I can not WAIT for you to read it and want to be one of the first to know your thoughts!

    I wanted to start SHADOWS on my birthday, but I was on the third book in a trilogy and wanted to finish first, so alas... :( Have you started it yet? When will you be reading it?

    Haha, and loooove your ORYX AND CRAKE reaction!


  21. Nope, haven't started it yet, though I hope to in the soonish future. August is looking a little dicey, so we'll see I guess.

    I will absolutely let you know BEFORE ANYONE ELSE what I think of Hearts Blood. ;P

    Happy belated birthday!! Did you get my card yet?



Tell me all your thoughts.
Let's be best friends.