Sunday, July 3, 2011

In My Mailbox: July 2, 2011

Make sure to leave a link to your IMM in the comments, so I can see what goodies you got!  And if you've read any of my goodies, let me know what you thought of them. :)
And as always, In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi @ The Story Siren.

Awesomeness Mentioned:

Chime by Franny Billingsley
The Last Living Slut by Roxana Shirazi
The Mediator, Vol One by Meg Cabot
[includes: Shadowland  and  Ninth Key]
Morganville Vampires, Vol Three by Rachel Vincent
[includes: Lords of Misrule  and  Carpe Corpus]
Numbers 3: Infinity by Rachel Ward
Pride and Prejudice: Hidden Lusts by Mitzi Szereto
Triangles by Ellen Hopkins
Cleopatra's Moon by Vicky Alvear Shecter


  1. Enjoy all your books - they all look great, especially Cleopatra's Moon! Happy reading :)

  2. Also, here's my IMM if you wanted to check it out :)

  3. Chime and Triangles both look so good! Yay for the morganville vampires! Its one of my favorite series ^-^

    Hope you enjoy!

  4. I feel like Chime is right up your alley!

    Also YAY for Cleopatra's Moon. I got a copy at BEA, basically the Scholastic rep pretty much hand sold it to me. It's pretty much one of the books I am most excited about reading.

    Happy reading :-D

  5. Oh crap, I'm so dumb, forgot to leave an IMM link :-P

  6. I got Chime a couple of weeks ago but I still haven't got round to reading it yet!

    ComaCalm's IMM

  7. I'm going to have steal Cleoptra's Moon :) I hope it's as good as it looks. And you got a Meg Cabot book! I love her. Great books this week!

  8. Awesome mailbox! I have Chime from the library, and can't wait to start on it! Enjoy all your awesome reads!

  9. Great IMM! I love watching video IMMs. Thanks for stopping by Inklings Read.

    I'm a new follower! Enjoy your new reads :)

    Sarah @ Inklings Read

  10. I have to Charm to read - hope you like it too.

  11. You've got some great books there. I can't wait to start Numbers 3. I've loved the others in the series.

  12. I'm SO jealous of Triangles! I love me some Ellen Hopkins. I just got caught up on her books last night and boy do they pack a whollop.

    Great IMM!!! Lots of fun stuff! :)

    ALSO- LOL to the UPS man! Hahahaha!

  13. Hah, The Last Living Slut is an awesome title, I must say. Also, I haven't made up my mind about CHIME yet. I did hear good things about it but I don't remember ever thinking OMG I need to read that now. So I'm looking forward to read your review!

    Also, I need to finish the Mediator series, I think.

    I need to read the Numbers series! I LOVE that cover. :)

    I just finished reading Cleopatra's moon. I had an ARC copy. I can't believe how gorgeous the final copy loooks! I love the gold. The look of the book fits so well with the novel.

    Haha!!!! Are you sure your doorbell isn't broken?

    Giveaways are always fun for blogoversaries but they aren't original at all. :/ Hm.

  14. OMGOSH! I think my mailman is hiding my packages too! (So glad it's not just me that thinks that.) I have been waiting for over a month for 4 books I won on GR. They normally get here within a few weeks. *SAD*

    Anyway, awesome mailbox! I keep looking at Chime but haven't picked it up yet.

    My IMM is up as well.

    I agree with being afraid to see how many books have been bought in a year, I look at my bank accounts and go Book buying ban LOL

  15. You have a nice list of books that you received in your mailbox this week.
    Happy Reading,
    Book Sniffers Anonymous

  16. I still want to read Chime and I've heard that its so good. I'm sure I'll get around to it eventually. I bought Mediator Vol. 1 a while back and I still have gotten around to read it yet. I've heard everyone say its Meg Cabot at her best and since I've never read a Meg Cabot book, I really hope I like it. Enjoy all your lovely book and have a fun week!


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