Friday, July 8, 2011

Friday Face Off: Mercy

I have Rebecca Lim's debut fallen angel novel, Mercy, in my endless TBR stack, and am eyeing it for an August read, I think.  But when I added it on Goodreads, I noticed something:  It has quite a variety of covers, and they bear very few similarities.  To me, the feathery blue paperback version looks like a book about a ballerina; the middle shiny blue-light Australian cover reminds me of a contemporary novel about, I dunno, a girl struggling with something; the last cover with the embossed angel wings is very moody, and so much prettier in person, I can't even begin to tell you.  They all three give very different impressions (to me, at least), and not having read the story yet, I can't tell you which is better suited.
But which makes you want to read it more?  Any inspire cover lust?

Which did it better?

Last Week Month on FFO:  The men of Austen went toe to toe, cravat to cravat, wet shirt to love letter in an Ultimate Swoon Off.  There could be only one winner, and that winner (to the relative lack of surprise of all involved) was Mr Darcy.
Winnah ------------>


  1. I haven't read this book, but that middle cover is gorgeous. I might just need that.

  2. I have the third cover from the right and I love it. I think starting from the right and working my way left you have them in order of my personal preference. :]

  3. I always, always judge a book by it's cover.
    At first I was going to pick the third cover. But it's too dark looking for me.
    So on closer inspection, I like the looks of the second cover. The colors work for me and she is wearing a very pretty dress. Also there is a subtitle that reads: Exiled from heaven, a lost soul seeks her soulmate...
    This piqued my interst.
    I wonder if publishers are aware that a cover can make or break a book. Would love the job of choosing the covers. (just saying.)

  4. the first one catches my eye. quite different with a lift off happening.

  5. O_o I totally agree w/ your analysis of the covers!! Given that it's about angels, the third cover is the best/most accurate (I assume) but the middle cover is the one that would most draw me in.

    However, picking that up expecting an emotional contemporary would leave me VERY unhappy, given it's an angel book! :P

  6. The first one for me. It's still pretty with a bit of mystery.

  7. The middle draws me in most, me thinks ...

  8. I think I like the 1st best.

    Ironically, I just won this book.


Tell me all your thoughts.
Let's be best friends.