Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wishlist Wednesday: Between the Sea and Sky

Between the Sea and Sky
by Jaclyn Dolamore 

To Be Released: June 7, 2011   
from Bloomsbury

For as long as Esmerine can remember, she has longed to join her older sister, Dosinia, as a siren--the highest calling a mermaid can have. Then Dosinia runs away to the mainland, and Esmerine is sent to retrieve her. Using magic to transform her tail into legs, she makes her way unsteadily to the capital city. There she comes upon a friend she hasn't seen since childhood--a dashing young man named Alandare, who belongs to a winged race of people. As Esmerine and Alandare band together to search for Dosinia, they rekindle a friendship . . . and ignite the emotions for a love so great it cannot be bound by sea, land, or air.

I loved Dolamore's Magic Under Glass, and I have been in the mood lately for a mermaid tale.  Add to that the awesome fact that Ms. Dolamore will be joining us for Fairy Tale Fortnight, and this book becomes pretty much a must-read.  I'm hoping to be able to get a review copy to share with you for the event, but either way, you will be hearing more about this book here on BR.
What about you, kittens?  Anyone wishing for this book?
What's on your wishlist?


  1. I want to read this one too! Though I still need to get my hands on Magic Under Glass.

    And seriously, how gorgeous is this cover! You should do a Friday Face Off with this one and Lost Voices by Sarah Porter.

  2. I was thinking the same thing, Liz!

  3. I can't wait for this one! Already on my pre-order list. There seem to be a lot of mermaid stories and mythology stories coming out this year. Small Review brought some to my attention. I can't wait for Star Crossed to come out either. Actually you really don't want me to list all of them. You can look at my tbr list on GoodReads. That would be simpler! LOL



Tell me all your thoughts.
Let's be best friends.