Saturday, March 19, 2011

IMM: 3/20/11

In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi @ The Story Siren. But y'all already know that, dontchu?
Let's get to it:

People and websites:
The Story Siren
Ellz Readz
I Just Wanna Sit Here and Read
Thrift Books .com

The Iron Thorn
The Dark City
Tweet Heart
Dead Beautiful
River Marked
Frog Prince: a Fairy Tale for Consenting Adults
The Shadow of the Wind
A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Lovers
also mentioned 20 Fragments of a Ravenous Youth

What'd ya get in your mailbox this week, kittens?


  1. Awesome vlog :) I've heard good things about The Iron Thorn and Dead Beautiful - happy reading!

  2. I LOVE Twenty Fragments of a Ravenous Youth. Room does sounds really interesting. Great books this week. HAppy Reading!

  3. You got some amazing books this week. Have loads of fun reading :)

    You can find my mailbox HERE

  4. I really hope you like TIT (haaha)sorry, its been a wierd day. I have read some mixed reviews, but I am still new to steampunk so I thought it was good. Long though.

  5. I can hardly wait for The Iron Thorn!!!
    Please do stop by for some gossip, a crumpet to check out my newest giveaway :)

    Mad Scientist
    Steampunkery & Book Reviews

  6. The Iron Thorn and Tweet Heart are going on my TBR list!!

    Our Mailbox is at BookSake.

  7. LOVED Room - was my top read of 2010...hope this statement doesn't awaken the hype monster. And Shadow of the Wind - Carlos Ruiz Zafon is just a literary god as far as I'm concerned. I probably just cursed those 2 books, didn't I?

    Dead Beautiful's on my wish list, but I'll wait for your review before taking the plunge.

  8. Hi, new follower! Great mailbox! I have some of those on my reading list! Enjoy!

  9. yay for iron thorn!
    reminds me, i still do plan on sending you iron duke so you'll have another for the steampunk pile!

  10. I've also been dubious about The Iron Thorn, so you're not the only judgemental one. Now I'm more interested in trying it out.

    Also, since when do you refer to your blog readers as kittens?

  11. ALL THE TIME!!! I always call people kitten, especially in groups. I know it's random and weird, especially since this is the Book RAT, but I can't help it.
    Look back, Liz. You'll see lots of 'kitten' scattered around.

  12. It's funny. When I first saw mention of the Iron Thorn on the interwebz, I was like "huh, interesting..." and then kinda forgot about it until it started popping up everywhere for the release. Then I was at the bookstore and saw it on the shelf and was like "THE PRETTEH!" and I read the inside jacket copy, and a few pages, and the back jacket copy and was like ZOMG I MUST HAVE THIS NOW. Sadly, I haven't read it yet, but my brain periodically screams "THE IRON THORN!" So I can't wait to see what you think.


Tell me all your thoughts.
Let's be best friends.