Wednesday, January 26, 2011

You have been warned...

Found this over at Polish Outlander and I had to share it with all of you; I think we can all relate... ;p


  1. A friend sent this too me last week and it made me want an iPad just for the rare readathon days so I could attach it to my door and play this video on repeat.

  2. Haha! I <3 it! Thanks for sharing.


  3. that's hardcore reading!
    i was expecting see him to shift into something when interrupted. like a werewolf or other creature would have been fun.

  4. This guy is scary and awesome all at the same time...Funny. I'm going to show it to some of my students tomorrow!

  5. LOL. That is too funny! Thanks for sharing, I can so relate on not wanting to be disturbed while reading a really good book. :D

  6. Haha, ok a lil scary but I can so relate. Especially at work. I'll be sitting there on break reading and more often than not, someone will come and sit down and START TALKING. Like I am just reading to kill time. Drives me nuts.

  7. That happens to me ALL THE TIME! And it's always about something inane, and I try to just make non-committal noises and keep my eyes pointedly on my book, so they get the hint, but no, they JUST KEEP TALKING. Come on!

  8. Maybe if these folks picked up a book every now and then themselves they would be a lil SMARTER!

    I'll be looking to see when you're done with Across the Universe, wanna compare opinions on a few things =)

  9. OMG. This is so funny! I just send the url to one of my friends. :) Thanx!

  10. Too fun not to share! I linked this in my Friday Five this week!


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