Tuesday, January 4, 2011

TBR Tuesday: If I Stay

 I have a lot of books I've bought or received in a fury of excitement, only to have them languish on the shelves.  This is one of those books.

If I Stay (If I Stay, #1)
by Gayle Forman

In a single moment, everything changes. Seventeen-year-old Mia has no memory of the accident; she can only recall riding along the snow-wet Oregon road with her family. Then, in a blink, she finds herself watching as her own damaged body is taken from the wreck... A sophisticated, layered, and heartachingly beautiful story about the power of family and friends, the choices we all make—and the ultimate choice Mia commands.

If I Stay (If I Stay, #1)My copy looks like the one above, and I loved it when it came out, but now I think I prefer the new one ---> 
What do you guys think?  Kinda haunting, right?
Anyway, need to read this sometime.  Had it for awhile (got it from an awesome person.  She knows who she is ;p), but haven't had a chance.  And it's so short, I'm sure I'd read it quickly.  I think I'm afraid it won't live up to the hype, and I want it to live up. 
So, what do you guys think?  Anyone read this?  What's on your tbr pile?


  1. I read it in Dutch and I loved it. It's really good. :) I love the Dutch cover for it.

  2. I really loved this one, too. I listened to it, though! The voices reading it were great.

  3. I need to read this too! Although I figured its just as well now to wait until the sequel is released.

  4. The new cover is beautiful. I like the old one in its simplicity, but the new one leaves more of an impression

  5. This one is definitely on my TBR too! I love the new cover. Definitely haunting.


Tell me all your thoughts.
Let's be best friends.