Sunday, January 30, 2011

Coming Attractions: Fairy Tale Fortnight + Answers and Winnahs!

Wordle: FTF
You may have noticed a few fairy tale elements slip-sliding their way into our winter festivities.  What can I say, these fairy tale tidbits are just so eager to share themselves with you that a few slipped through...

I think that little smattering of fairy dust goes rather nicely with the glitter of the ice and snow, don't you?

Polish up your glass slippers and fluff up your ball gowns, because you definitely want to make it to this party.  Ashley and I have all kinds of good stuff cooking up for you, from author appearances to fab guest posts, tons of reviews and maybe a giveaway or two...  ;p

To be a part of Fairy Tale Fortnight with a guest post or giveaway, or just to weigh in and possible be quoted during the event, check out this form. =D

I want to thank you all for stopping by during Winter Wonderland!  It's been a fun (if hectic) weekend, and I loved sharing some wintery goodness with you!  I want to give a BIG THANKS to everyone who participated by filling out the questionnaire or voicing their opinions in the comments.

Also, HUGE THANKS to Elie for her giveaway, Mrs DeRaps for her giveaway, kjovus for his guest post (his first gp ever!), and Jessica Day George for her amazing post on writing Sun and Moon, Ice and Snow!
Thanks, guys!

For those of you who were wondering, here are the answers to the Cover Game:
  1. Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater
  2. Heart's Blood by Julier Marillier
  3. The Girl with Glass Feet by 
  4. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
  5. Let it Snow by John Green, Lauren Myracle and Maureen Johnson
  6. The Golden Compass by Phillip Pullman
  7. Sun and Moon, Ice and Snow by Jessica Day George
  8. Wintersmith by Terry Pratchett
  9. Singer by Jean Thesman (I was amazed how many of you got this!)
  10. Ice by Sarah Beth Durst
Here's what they look like in full view:

Fun, fun!

Now on to the bit you really want to hear: the winnahs!

The winner of Elie's giveaway for a signed copy of The Snowball Effect is...
(I swear, you are the luckiest person. lurves you)

The winner of Mrs. DeRaps giveaway for a signed copy of Trapped is...
(quite lucky, as there were a LOT of entries in this, considering it was only up for less than 2 days...)

The winner of my Winter Warm-up Cover Game giveaway is...
(You're getting Let It Snow - you guessed correctly! - and a little extra surprise, too!)

Congrats everyone!!!
And thanks again for participating.

I want to leave you with one last quote from this weekend.  It comes from Ashley, who perfectly stated my favorite thing about winter:

"My favorite thing about winter is the feeling. It's hard to explain, but there is something really special about standing out in the snow, while it's snowing. Especially those really big flakes you can catch on your tongue that fall softly but thickly. And, if it happens to be a beautiful, crisp night with the stars popping out... Wonderful. Love it! :)"

*all winners selected using  Congrats, everyone!


  1. Oh God can't believe I didn't guess the Narnia cover & Let it snow!!! Narnia is just my favorite children book!

  2. I'm so proud of myself! 8/10! And, I bet that so many people got the Singer cover because of your Friday Face Off vs. Deerskin! I know that's where I saw it!

    And, I'm very glad that luurves me, because I totally heart your blog. And, I think I'm going to save this page in favorites, because you quoted me! :) I'm totally a rock star! ;)

  3. :D Thanks a lot! Congrats to the other winners!


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