Sunday, September 19, 2010

Zombiette Round Up Week 3

This week, in the world of brain eating femme fatales:
My posts:
Other Awesome:

Lexie reviewed the quirktastic movie Fido, which sounds like it's good for some kicks.  And screams.

Titania reviewed Boneshaker by Cherie Priest, which you know I was a fan of.  She also reviewed one of my favorite zombie movies, Shaun of the DeadWatch it!

Velvet told us a little bit about Zombie history in the US -- who knew it was so pervasive?  On a similar note (history), Titania gave us the short story Marco Polo -- again, who knew?

  1. Married with Zombies from Celi.a
  2. Valley of the Dead from Velvet
  3. Rombies (zombie comic) from Velvet
  4. Zombie Moon + zombie book cover from Velvet
  5. Killer Love from Velvet
  6. Zombie Kill of the Week Giveaway from Cecilia
  7. Zombie Accessories from Velvet
  8. Ten Little Zombies from Cecilia
  9. Ascendant, spotted by moi
  10. TheBlooming + book jacket from Velvet
  11. I Kissed a Zombie and I Liked It from Velvet
  12. Lucky Stiff from Velvet
  13. Cecilia's  on-going Zombie Grab

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