Friday, April 9, 2010

Read-a-Thon day 5

Today's activity is hosted by Casey of A Passion for Books who wants to give us a little help in the blog department. The goal today is to declutter the blogness:

Activity #3: Declutter the Blog. In this activity, I want you to make some goals, pertaining to cleaning up your blog. This can include anything you would like, as long as it has to do with your blog. For example: sidebars, review and/or author lists, etc.

Yep.  Definitely need to do that.   Casey's goals are:

1. Clean up the sidebars
2. Update the archives
3. Create better labels
4. Backup my blog
And yeah, I'm just going to appropriate those, because I need to do all of the above. I'm really behind on the updating and making sure everything is in sync.
I need to do just a general looksy, get rid of the useless and irrelevant, maybe rearrange some things, etc.  I've also been meaning to play around a bit with the dimensions of some things, so I am going to attempt that too.
There need to be more hours in the day.

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