Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Suggestions wanted

Okay, awhile back, I told you how I was going to be running a challenge on Goodreads in the Wild Things group.  The goal for this challenge is to get out of our little reading boxes and stretch a bit.  The challenge starts on the 1st, so I have to get the tasks up soon.  I am going to post the rough list of tasks.  Any input you have is wanted, especially as I am going to hold the contest on here, two.

OFFICIAL SECTION: [This is a section we always have, but I tweaked it to suit our new purpose.]
5 pts: Read a "Top Ya Novel" from our group list that you previously had no intention of reading.
10 pts: Read a book that someone in the group (or on Goodreads) has been "pushing" you to read, but that you've avoided because it's in a genre you don't normally read.
15 pts: Read a book from any thread in a folder that you never go into (ie, I have never once opened the mystery folder, or the Religion folder; I would choose a book mentioned in a thread in one of these folders)
20: Read a 5-star book from a WT member you've never conversed with, and then discuss it with them.
25: Read 2 books from a series (or 2 books from 1 author) from a different culture, or in a genre you don't read.
Buddy Bonus: Buddy gets to pick 1 book for you to read that fits any of the above.  This is in addition to what you read for each task.

5: Read any book that is NOT in your native language (ie translated into your language).
10: Read any book written by someone of another culture, ethnicity or viewpoint.
15: Read 2 award winners from 2 different countries other than your own (ie, both the book and the award are from another country). [There would be lists, some we have already]
20: Read 2 books, 1 fiction and 1 non-fiction, about a real event (current or historical) that is NOT a part of your cultural heritage (ie, took place in another country, revolves around another ethnicity or belief, etc)
25: Read 3 books from 3 cultures/countries that revolve around the same topic or theme (or similar)
Buddy Bonus: You and buddy choose together 1 fairy tale from another country to read, and 1 retelling based on that fairy tale.

5: Listen to an audiobook.
10: Look on GR for "Best of" lists in a genre you don't read, and read something from one of the lists that interests you.
15: Genre Roulette! [There will be a list or graphic for this, and randomly generated numbers.]  + Misty pick [This task is open for debate.  Do we want a Misty Pick?  I have the list of genres, I can make 2-3 recommendations for each genre (which would give 50-75 choices); from there, it can either be assigned, or you could choose off the list.  If it's assigned, it would be kind of neat, since I'll have the list of who got what in genre roulette.  I can give them something completely different).
20:Read any two books from our most neglected folders (GLBT, Multicultural, Non-fiction, Religion) and contribute to discussion.
25: Read three books in 3 non-traditional forms: drama, poetry, short story anthology, epistolary/diary, audiobook.  In the Discussions thread for the Challenge, briefly tell us whether these forms worked for the story, and what you thought.
Buddy Bonus: Buddy looks through your GR shelves and picks 1 book in a genre or style that seems neglected.

5: Read any book and write a detailed review that examines what you read, what you thought and felt, and whether you would recommend it.
10: Read and discuss a book with a young adult in your life.
15: Ask a YA librarian to recommend their "little known gems" in a variety of genres, read 1, discuss it with the librarian, and let us know some highlights in the Challenge Discussions thread.
20: Read any book dealing with a controversial issue, or a topic that is well out of your comfort zone, and create and post discussion questions for it.
25: Read any book that you almost chose for one of the tasks in Sections 2 or 3 (ie a cultural or genre choice), and do 2 of the following:
 -- written response to the book
 -- drawing or other art form inspired by the book
 -- character interview
 -- poem
 -- make a photo collage or slideshow that represents the book to you
 -- make a book trailer
 -- [insert your original ideas here]
Buddy Bonus: Read your buddy's book from 4.20 and answer the questions.

The buddy bonus will be a partner thing for the group.
Some of these tasks may not make sense to you, not being members of the group.  They are things we discussed (like the Misty Pick and the Genre Roulette)


  1. Your challenge is going to be great Misty. Can't wait to see it in action.

  2. A classic, my "other world",Buy Amazon Book Review I've read this story as well as the others time and again. I've also made a fan of my granddaughter who is so much like me! This story, Buy Amazon Book Reviewthe beginning of the Trilogy, will carry on through generations - an all-time favorite. Tolkien wrote of a simpler world inhabited by a peaceful race who are confronted by a great evil. This story, as well as the others, were easily Buy Amazon Book Reviewread and understood as he wrote it for his young son. It, however, appeals to those of all ages and it's popularity over the years has grown immensely. If you haven't already, read it and find out why.

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  5. This comment has been removed by the author.


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