Friday, March 5, 2010

Friday Face Off (8)

Spotted this one on Presenting Lenore's WoW: Upcoming Dystopian Fiction, which was excellent.  I added every. single. thing. to my list.  No joke.  The Unidentified, which comes out later this year, looks suspiciously like another dystopian novel I have on my wishlist (damn near topping my wishlist), Kazuo Ishiguro's award-winning Never Let Me Go.  So, you know the drill...
who did it better?


Never Let Me Go published 2005
The Unidentified tbpublished 2010

Last Week on FFO: Two white-haired ladies went fairy tale to fairy tale, with Singer winning by her more restrained hair + some lovely winter trees.  I have to agree.  I read both last summer, Deerskin because I like the tale it's based on and I wanted to see what McKinley would do with it, and Singer because I bought it on a whim because I was intrigued by the cover.  I kept picking it up and putting it back down, but I would always go back because I couldn't get that youthful face with the white hair out of my head. (I don't know why I was waffling, it was 25¢).  Singer won hands down for me in both cover and story.

Seen something that needs a Face Off?  Comment with the titles!


  1. The first one! I like the eyes better.

  2. Never Let Me Go SO works it better! I haven't read The Unidentified, but Never Let me go is SO an awesome book!

  3. I like Never Let Me Go did better. I can't even read the Unidentified cover.

  4. I'd say Never Let Me Go looks better - the title on the Unidentified cover is a bit hard to read.

  5. Never Let Me Go. She looks a little freaky, and it is really hard to read the title of the other one.


Tell me all your thoughts.
Let's be best friends.